
Search results

  1. sundaymouse

    24 Hour Test

    OMG, 1. you don't know where to get a cheap cert 2. you have no idea with SSL at all.
  2. sundaymouse

    24 Hour Test

    Come on, you don't even have a proper SSL for your WHMCS, and you are expecting to step in?
  3. sundaymouse Jack's Company Sold to Oktay/Serverian/Backupsy/etc.

    Disappointed at first I have to say... But I'm looking forward to seeing how things work out.
  4. sundaymouse

    NinjaHawk Purchased By One of the Giants* of the VPS Industry

    My only impression about tmzVPS is their bombing emails to clients.
  5. sundaymouse

    UBUNTU.IO For Sale

    Purchase of this domain is NOT recommended! US Trademark Serial No. 79133471 Ubuntu is a world-wide-registered trademark owned by Canonical, the two registrations listed above are UK and US registrations. This domain, at any time, can be...
  6. sundaymouse

    Big RAM VPS - who actually uses them and for what?

    Most hard set limits are on OpenVZ, where it is possible for providers to sell XXL containers at low-end price grades. It really depends on how much CPU and IO power you continuously use. For example, if you have a 2GB Xen PV VPS (you can get that for about $20/mo somewhere now), with good CPU...
  7. sundaymouse

    More domains (End of the year-sale!) $4
  8. sundaymouse

    Your biggest pain as a provider

    I'll start the first discussion thread, if no one disapproves... What is your biggest on-neck pain when operating a relatively-small VPS business?
  9. sundaymouse

    Teh, hehe...

    It is a reference to this meme: 
  10. sundaymouse

    Teh, hehe...

    Here you go.
  11. sundaymouse

    In case you're wondering where your avatar went...

    Where is the famous trailing "Francisco" in this post? :)
  12. sundaymouse

    Teh, hehe... Is he really talking about "blatant advertising", or just a veto to BuyVM's defection on his employer? Edit: now with screenshot: 
  13. sundaymouse

    DotVPS Q8300/E5520/Dual E5540 in the UK.

    You got a cabinet in Rapidswitch DC or just reselling? 
  14. sundaymouse

    RamNode Seattle Network Upgrades

    Finally we get HE now, nice job getting one of the best transpacific peering connected!
  15. sundaymouse

    BlueVM - S1-NY Disk Failure

    From their mass email to S1-NY Buffalo clients:
  16. sundaymouse

    BuyVM announces free backups for all 256MB+ OpenVZ plans!

    Making me want to place an order right now... if maxmind doesn't suck me every time.
  17. sundaymouse

    [KVM/OVZ] - 4GB RAM KVM From $6.99, FREE FTP+DNS! [US/UK/CZ]

    As far as I'm concerned, this kind of misleading advertising is illegal in many countries.
  18. sundaymouse

    managed (OS) - 2 Domains

    Registered a domain one month ago then sell it for $200 ea. Good idea.
  19. sundaymouse

    [EarthVPN] Access to 32 Countries & 90 Locations All VPN Protocols Supported $2.79/m

    I can see Alipay and Unionpay, are you a Chinese company after all?
  20. sundaymouse

    How did they get it so wrong?

    Still glad that we've got something called NHS here...