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  1. Enterprisevpssolutions

    All of North Korea's internet is out.

    Too funny don't they realize that the world doesn't like idiots. They should keep hitting them for the rest of next year put them back to the stone age.
  2. Enterprisevpssolutions

    1 gigabit per second internet connection?

    More and more devices in the home are using up the bandwidth 1G is normal in some areas but need to expand. Think about all the devices in the world that are getting connected to the internet. I see more and more clients getting 10G links to dedicated servers. If you build it they will come =D I...
  3. Enterprisevpssolutions

    vpsBoard Article Bounty Program

    Just got back from vacation will start to get some articles going shortly.  :popcorn:
  4. Enterprisevpssolutions

    vpsBoard Article Bounty Program

    I can help great way to take a break from day to day work.
  5. Enterprisevpssolutions

    List of providers who offer DDoS protection.

    We offer DDOS protection Up to 48 hours per month of 1Gbps DDOS protection for our dedicated server offers at the moment we are working on a solution to start offering 10G filtering on all of our products within the coming months.
  6. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Windows server Datacenter question

    Licenses it automaticly in hyper-V on the same system.
  7. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Extremely Simple My Current IP Site

    We have a few more tools along with showing the ipv4 or ipv6 address you have your dns tools as well some are still in the works.
  8. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Fraud Record

    Use them with maxmind and common sense, you should be ok.
  9. Enterprisevpssolutions

    New Hostbill version is released.

    You shouldn't have to pay for support as the cost of everything else should be included but sadly its not. Also the bug reporting method needs better communication between hostbill and clients only real way to get answers is to get a support ticket.
  10. Enterprisevpssolutions

    1 Managed VPS + 1 Unmanaged VPS + IP Announce

    We offer both managed and unmanaged vps, cloud and dedicated servers. Check out the site for options if you have any questions send me a msg.
  11. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Early rumors of a nasty vuln in SSL 3.0

    How to resolve the ssl 3 exploit on cpanel   On October 14, 2014, security experts have alerted the general public to a flaw in an obsolete but still used SSL protocol (SSL3). The flaw is more than 15 years old but is still used by modern web browsers and servers.    The "POODLE" (Padding...
  12. Enterprisevpssolutions

    ModulesGarden Proxmox VPS For WHMCS 1.4 + Proxmox Cloud For WHMCS 1.2 – Final Beta

    Great work guys keep up the updates can't wait for the html5 console.
  13. Enterprisevpssolutions

    VaporNode Custom VPS Control Panel

    Looks fine maybe add some usage graphs of CPU ,disk and bandwidth What are you using for virtual technology?
  14. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Hey man, you're getting old.

    Happy B-Day Fran hope all is well.
  15. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Quality VPS reseller program?

    If you are looking still looking to resell we have many options. Affiliate link
  16. Enterprisevpssolutions

    How do you prevent server from DDoS

    You need a DC that will either null the traffic before it reaches your server or you need to get a 3rd party filtering service, only a few ways to clean up a DDOS before it reaches your server. Also make sure you keep all logs and report the abuse to the correct providers so they can clean it up...
  17. Enterprisevpssolutions

    cpanel w/ssl hosting needed

    We offer managed cpanel support as well as shared hosting check out our site for more details.
  18. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Proxmox VE 3.3 Released

    Great feature set and stable platform.
  19. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Do you sell domain names too?

    One stop shop is how some clients like it. We offer all services from Domain Reg to the basic shared host. Most of the systems are automated with billing reviewing what they need to. The same worry about a company holding your domain hostage when they go down is the same worry you should have...
  20. Enterprisevpssolutions

    SolusVM SOLD and acquired by OnApp

    WOW is all I got to say lmao. I can hear the clients now complaining :popcorn:  