
Search results

  1. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Places to Get SSL Certs?

    I can do positive ssl from Comodo for 7/yr or $25 for 5 yrs which equals 5 a year. We have sell just almost every SSL you can get from most providers.
  2. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Real-time Global DDOS Map

    You would want to use this one much more data.
  3. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Alcohol of Choice

    I love a good homemade honey mead 15lb of honey 7 gallon bucket w/lid fill it with water to about 5.5 to 6 gal mark and add your yeast of choice and let it brew for 1 to 2 months in primary with another in secondary stage and you will have a nice 17% alcohol content let it age for 6 months to a...
  4. Enterprisevpssolutions

    DDoS Protection Sites?

    Are you talking about the reason they are offering the protection or the technology behind it?
  5. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Looking for cheap 4 cores / 4GB RAM KVM Windows VPS

    KVM you don't shrink the drives because of the risk of data loss the upgrade is safer an allowed by most hosts this is standard practice.
  6. Enterprisevpssolutions

    WHMCS - Custom 'fraud' blocks module

    Have you looked at using other fraud checking tools like they have a module for whmcs
  7. Enterprisevpssolutions

    New Hostbill version is released.

    +1 Hostbill old licenses is where its at just wish he would update some of the older modules and not just create new ones and charge you for it lmao.
  8. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Test our XEN ninja range for FREE

    looks nice misspelled a word The frirst line of defence in the XEN hosting world. nice pages and story with the ninjas.
  9. Enterprisevpssolutions

    VPS vs Dedicated

    We have seen vps and cloud clients host that amount and more, you can also get a personal cloud which is dedicated hardware with all the resources allocated to your needs.
  10. Enterprisevpssolutions

    China Launches Campaign To Control The Internet

    If clients want to bypass content filtering they would use a vpn, you can only filter so much before someone uses a method to bypass the security of the country trying to impose its views.
  11. Enterprisevpssolutions

    reseller account wanted

    Hope people use to report fraud clients like this, helps with building a database.
  12. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Looking for 5x 512 Windows VPS!

    Windows 2003 I believe the mainstream support is EOL Depending on the version of windows your prices goes up for the vps.
  13. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Seems like UrPad was hit by the IPMI Vuln.

    That sucks considering that the bug has been around for a while just now making news. Why would anyone use a ipmi device on a public interface makes no sense. 
  14. Enterprisevpssolutions

    KVM anti abuse how do you counter abuse with kvm users?

    Look at getting an ids system in front of the nodes to scan the traffic for abuse same with mail filter, transparent filtering can be done with no loss of performance and no added latency no need to access the vps for any reason unless a client asks for help. To help with node load do not over...
  15. Enterprisevpssolutions

    What do you like in a billing system? You have to go to the site to LOL.
  16. Enterprisevpssolutions

    What do you like in a billing system?

    Dont see a feature list on the site. Did see the screenshots looks nice. Once we get to the next stage we will be requesting beta testers to see if anything needs to be added or modified.
  17. Enterprisevpssolutions

    What do you like in a billing system?

    What do admins and clients look for in a billing system? If you started building a system from the ground up and you had or wanted certain features and modules added what would they be? We are asking this question because we are starting to build one and would like to get the options of everyone...
  18. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Fully Managed SSD & SAS VPS with cPanel/WHM starting @ 19.95! |50% OFF! + Free CDP Backups!

    General IP Information IP: Hostname: ISP: Host NIT Organization: Host NIT  location City:Jacksonville State/Region: Florida Country Code: US Postal Code: 32257
  19. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Happy 26th Birthday MannDude!

    Happy birthday! We wish you the best of the best.