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  1. Enterprisevpssolutions

    VPS hosting technical reviews

    There is a site for testing client servers that run linux you can see a list of providers and the products. They say you can get on the listing for tests but it takes a long time.
  2. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Is IPMI important for a Dedi?

    Ipmi can be useful if setup and secured properly. I believe there is a article or two on how hackers use the ipmi to get into client systems and steal data or take down servers. Hacker Holes in Server Management System Allow ‘Almost-Physical’ Access to the system. Imagine I can access your...
  3. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Enterprise Custom Kvm Solutions linux/windows x86/x64 Starting @ $14.95

    Our secure storage Array is a raid 10. Our cloud setup is replicated between sans, while the vps are just raid 10 with no replication. Unlimited bandwidth on rated 10M port (Upgrade to 100M for $6.00 Typo on my part fixed now thanks. Hardware ranges depending on the services you get, all...
  4. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Enterprise Custom Kvm Solutions linux/windows x86/x64 Starting @ $14.95

    We have just upgrade our packages for managed services Checkout some of the deals we offer.
  5. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Florida Datacenters

    Hivelocity located in Tampa
  6. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Good ol' debate OpenVZ vs KVM - Why yes, why not?

    From a provider standpoint and an end user kvm is the best option. With kvm you can do anything you want, cloning, snapshots, hot migration, quicker restoring, vnc console, and more, everything is virtualized for the client. From a client standpoint, kvm you don’t have to worry about...
  7. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Enterprise Custom Kvm Solutions linux/windows x86/x64 Starting @ $14.95

    These custom Kvm solutions allow clients to setup the file system and partitions how they want. No templates, no default file system type, clients can pick and choose how they want the system setup just like a dedicate server. Custom made to fit the clients needs, full access with vnc console so...
  8. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Post your offer for this VM

      Enterprise Virtual Cloud RAM [MB]: 2048 $30.72 USD CPU Cores: 4 $45.00 USD Secured Storage [GB]: 50 $7.50 USD IPV4 Addresses: 1 address Free Total Recurring: $108.17 USD Monthly Total Due Today: $108.17 USD Monthly 4th of july price $37.86/monthly   With our 4th of july sale...
  9. Enterprisevpssolutions

    KVM VPS for an open source project

    Custom kvm solutions we have some great offers on our site for either a kvm vps or a cloud system. Located in east coast US, with the network peering we have with other data centers this gives us better routes to give to clients. We also support opensource projects send us a request with the...
  10. Enterprisevpssolutions

    KVM with 100mbit unmetered or 30TB on gigabit

    We offer custom kvm solutions with unmetered premium bandwidth on either a 10M or 100M rated ports. Check out some of the promo codes we have that can offer you better discount on some of the systems.
  11. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Any VPS hosts that do not use Solus?

    We use proxmox for our hypervisors, 100M unmetered bandwidth located east coast. We have a sale going on for the 4th which ends on the 8th this gives a 65% discount on a cloud system check out the site if you have questions let us know.  :D