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  1. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Windows VPS

    Kvm has better performance. Check out some of our offers we have for custom kvm solutions.
  2. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Enterprise Virtual Cloud Starts @ $24.95

    4th Of July discount, save 65% off the purchase price of any Enterprise Virtual Cloud. Sale ends on 07/08/2013 use this promo code when ordering 40FJULY$@l3 any configuration you want look at one of the deals you can get 12G ram 12 CPU cores 500G of secure storage 1 Ipv4 address unlimited...
  3. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Enterprise Virtual Cloud Starts @ $24.95

    The next generation of cloud servers. Our control panel allows you to increase your resources, reload, destroy and create a vps how you want with the resources you buy. You can console your Cloud with vnc access for easy troubleshooting   Our cloud servers are truly redundant in every way. The...
  4. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Enterprise Custom Kvm Solutions linux/windows x86/x64 Starting @ $7.00

    Ballooning Is only setup for the budget system which comparing the results in test runs the same as if the memory is dedicated in any of the other platforms. As long as you don't oversubscribe the node then what the client orders for dedicated resources he receives. Just because the technology...
  5. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Enterprise Custom Kvm Solutions linux/windows x86/x64 Starting @ $7.00

    They have the option once they get the bigger packages. I have a lot of client that love that package but if they require more memory then it becomes dedicated. 512M is really fine for some but if they require a burst here and there the ability is there for them.
  6. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Enterprise Custom Kvm Solutions linux/windows x86/x64 Starting @ $7.00

    Page Sharing or Memory De-Duplication VMware patented this process. The base Linux kernel in 2.6.32 has added a similar feature in KSM, and the ksmd daemon, which runs in user-space and can de-duplicate memory across different processes. As KVM VMs run as processes, KVM immediately benefits...
  7. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Enterprise Custom Kvm Solutions linux/windows x86/x64 Starting @ $7.00

    Technology is moving ahead in the virtual world some of the stuff that is coming out is really exciting. We are working on building a oracle cloud with nimbula director or another one that we are having custom built. Very Stable software redundant and great on managing resources and data.
  8. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Enterprise Custom Kvm Solutions linux/windows x86/x64 Starting @ $7.00

    No typo this is correct you can assign a max and a min for kvm systems. These can explain more  ^_^
  9. Enterprisevpssolutions

    "free -m" on KVM VPS

    The host and the vm will keep moving the memory back and forth from the node to the vm as ballooning states. "With KSM we're able to improve virtual machine density by as much as 300% without impacting performance." This article can explain...
  10. Enterprisevpssolutions

    All in one solution

    Hostbill works great and has the features, just not the management that is required to succeed.  :ph34r: Proxmox is great and stable, solusvm has its plus as well as onapp but let me ask a question would you rather have HA that works correctly and the ability to run both KVM and openvz on one...
  11. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Providers who own their IP addresses and growing If you get your own ip allocation from say Hurricane Electric, Inc or another provider you can have them routed to another datacenter, but you also require to have certain amount of ips before they will sell you any.
  12. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Yet again.. another WHMCS advisory is out.

    Definitely worth looking at. I just wish that someone would come up with migration tool for moving from say Hostbill or Whmcs to Besta  ;)
  13. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Enterprise Custom Kvm Solutions linux/windows x86/x64 Starting @ $7.00

    These custom Kvm solutions allow clients to setup the file system and partitions how they want. No templates, no default file system type, clients can pick and choose how they want the system setup just like a dedicate server. Custom made to fit the clients needs, full access with vnc console so...
  14. Enterprisevpssolutions

    cpanel shared web hosting Starting @ $2.50/monthly

    When you order any of our Shared Plans and like us on Facebook you will receive a 15% OFF DISCOUNT just use this. CODE: P0Q8TU89BNX6AJ don't forget like us on facebook now. :321GFY   SHARED WEB HOSTING   Included With Every Shared Hosting Account [-] Free Instant Setup [-] Latest cPanel...
  15. Enterprisevpssolutions

    USA or UK/NL VPS - KVM / OVZ

    Premium bandwidth 99.99% uptime KVM only we can help you out look at our vpsboard offer Located in southeast USA
  16. Enterprisevpssolutions

    cpanel shared web hosting Starting @ $2.50/monthly

    When you order any of our Shared Plans and like us on Facebook you will receive a 15% OFF DISCOUNT just use this. CODE: P0Q8TU89BNX6AJ don't forget like us on facebook now.    SHARED WEB HOSTING   Included With Every Shared Hosting Account [-] Free Instant Setup [-] Latest cPanel [-] 99%...
  17. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Custom Kvm Solutions linux/windows x86/x64 Starting @ $7.00

    These custom Kvm solutions allow clients to setup the file system and partitions setup how they want. No templates, no default file system type. Choose how you want to setup the server, custom made to fit the client needs.   When you order any of our Virtual Dedicated Server Plans and like us...
  18. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Unmetered bandwidth

    Contact our Sales team to get a quote.
  19. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Woolwich attack in UK!

    What is wrong with people! People need to grow up.