
Search results

  1. lowesthost

    USA vps host for sale - huge clientbase

    YES YES YES if not it not worth squat   If you acquired the host an moved it to you own infrastructure  you would burn almost a /22 even on the low end side of leasing IP's you would make more just leasing the blocks out  than this host makes so its worth  negative dollars   :( 
  2. lowesthost

    How to diagnose issues with WHMCS not marking invoices as paid after payment?

    had the same issue  with a few clients it turned out to be similar to the post above Log into PayPal Click the ‘Profile’ link in the menu bar under ‘My Account’ Click the ‘Language Encoding’ link under the ‘Selling Preferences’ column Click ‘More Options’ Set ‘Encoding’ to ‘UTF-8’ Click ‘Save’...
  3. lowesthost

    Who was your first VPS provider?

    AlienVPS  dead pooled sometime in  12-2014  there ip's are announced to the NJ IX 
  4. lowesthost

    Dell PowerEdge C6100 (XS23-TY3) Server 4xnodes

    I'm going to make a guess its a  E5520
  5. lowesthost

    Cheap managed VPS?

    And what would you think a fair price would be for a managed VPS ??
  6. lowesthost

    What attributes does an ideal customer have?

    Get a few of those now and then its usually the same customer(s) or my favorite  my mails broke please fix  with no information. We always politely ask for more information and sometimes even give them the steps  on how to format a perfect ticket so we can diagnose the issue instantly. but low...
  7. lowesthost

    End User - What vps control panel would you prefer, how important it to you ?

    I don't think clients really care as long as it works :) I personally miss the old days of no panels
  8. lowesthost

    My mail server can't receive mail from some places like Facebook.

    perhaps this will help
  9. lowesthost

    SolusVM/Virtualizor OpenVZ Rescue Mode/Serial Console SFTP capable?

    That's just for XEN/KVM and SFTP does work for both
  10. lowesthost

    Happy Fathers Day

    I completely forgot about it til may kids mauled me early this morning :)  
  11. lowesthost

    Quick shoutout and non-technical review of Empire Hosting.

    Thanks for the review ManDude old post but it slipped by   It's not that we can not provide client controlled rDNS but our core business is manged and a lot of the managed clients do not know what rDNS is so we usually set it up for them during provisioning when they have a fully qualified TLD...
  12. lowesthost

    How to check OS install: Manual vs Template

    no there is no real way 10 be 100%  except ask your provider     :)
  13. lowesthost

    Looking for some providers in unique locations to sponsor a small VPS

    Have one in South bend IN and Las Vegas looks like your good for Las Vegas. will it run on centos ?? was thinking  on throwing it on a server that has stuff on it all ready ?? you have to use the https  version of  the CA website I have not noticed it failing  but I don't use it that often ...
  14. lowesthost

    SolusVM cancelled services bug

    Virtualizor  cant speak for the OpenVZ  implementation because we don't use it, have not had many issues with XEN/KVM if there is a bug they listen and fix it quickly.
  15. lowesthost

    Debian 8 "Jessie" to be released today

    I would wait a few versions centos7 has been out since last year and its still a POS updated a centos 7 machine today and low & behold it would not boot "could not find root filesystem" had to go back a kernel its happened 2 or three times since its inception. reminds me of the old Redhat...
  16. lowesthost

    Debian 8 "Jessie" to be released today

    If your going to reinvent the wheel make a better wheel
  17. lowesthost

    Looking for a cheap yearly VPS with IPv6 and peers with HE and Cogent

    its because cogent will not play nice its going to keep happening probably you are right need all 3  cogent, he and level 3   or another peer that peers with  both he & cogent if they are dealing with...
  18. lowesthost

    Any experience with virtualizor?

    I have not tested SolusVM in a long while  but I think Virtualizor passed them up a while go on the features 1. not that we need it  but no goofy requirement to run a master  on openvz 2. as far as I know i think its the only panel that supports Xenserver (Citrix)
  19. lowesthost

    Any experience with virtualizor?

    We have been using Virtualizor since Version 1  no complaints  features keep getting better & better.