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  1. lowesthost

    Things to consider when choosing Colocation?

    strange that is so low or so high?  I was expecting it  it to be closer  to 2 amps more in line with the the old 5404 that uses 2.3 amps at idle (power pig)
  2. lowesthost

    Things to consider when choosing Colocation?

    I have a supermico Dual L5420 with 2x WD blacks  no raid  no ipmi in it and it uses  approximately 1.3 amps  with no load
  3. lowesthost

    End Sites get a /48 of IPV6?

    Yup longer means less :)
  4. lowesthost

    End Sites get a /48 of IPV6?

    so if you were going to reassign  ipv6 so your customer can announce via their BGP   it wouldd be a /48 or shorter else everyone would filter
  5. lowesthost

    End Sites get a /48 of IPV6?

    end sites= End Site shall mean a single structure or service delivery so what they are meaning if you sell a colo rack  you would assign   /48 is the maximum  length that can be announced via BGP  (but the Ip transit providers are the ones who really set this similar to ipv4 which is a /24 ...
  6. lowesthost

    VPN Security

    I noticed this little flaw  couple days ago using our VPN noticed that our live chat software logged  the reverse PTR  of the real IP The  flaw came in handy today when  two back to back fraud orders came in using a VPN  it revealed the scammers real IP OOPs
  7. lowesthost

    Webhostingtalk / Inet Interactive SOLD!

    has anyone actually ever seen this benefit ??? I think it may be a unicorn Is that that magical button that says you do not have permission to use this feature (great benefit) We are going to just let our corporate membership lapse I thought $375 was to high of price to attract ...
  8. lowesthost

    Things to consider when choosing Colocation?

    we moved our racks from cedar falls IA to Colostore last summer we requested  BGP session IP's before we shipped out a router . it was programed before we shipped it out so it was plug in play, our other peer did the same. I cant tell you about colostore IP addresses  as we use our own IP space...
  9. lowesthost

    Things to consider when choosing Colocation?

    Indeed  install the OS and network.  that way as soon as its racked your up and running you cant go wrong with colostore  great bunch of folks
  10. lowesthost

    Angry Complaint

    same post on WHT   used internap as transit  for over 10 years never had an issue
  11. lowesthost

    Greenvaluehost hacked, customer details exposed to public including customer photo IDs

    I just loved this quote PCI 101 "directory list disabled"  and for storing client data ID  should have been deleted immediately  Whats next for them. I need them for my daily drama since burst disappeared :) 
  12. lowesthost

    FortressITX (DedicatedNow/SolarVPS) Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

  13. lowesthost

    Which nameservers do You use?

    Our own :) level3's     if not      testing something  real quick maybe Google's
  14. lowesthost

    ARIN proposes new fees

    MIT has a legacy block  so the do not pay a dime
  15. lowesthost

    ARIN Stock Changes Feb 2014 - Down to 1.38

    I had to give away my first born for the last allocation (sarcasm) they did not ask for receipts.   I will send her a text as she is out of the house living on your her own  " the ARIN police are coming to take you away"  But now you can request a /24   :)
  16. lowesthost

    ARIN proposes new fees

    Wow  I was shocked when they lowered the fees this year  I would love to pay even less I doubt it it wont come into effect until all is gone and Their  reasoning is probably  to get the  the large users to return some space to prolong the certain death of ipv4
  17. lowesthost

    3 ssd disk array, what raid level can I use?

    Raid 1 and the 3rd drive as a hot spare
  18. lowesthost

    Task Delegation

    Whips & chains work best :) Thanks for  wunderlist I am going to have to give it try usually with tasks & reminders.  I forget to update the tasks or because I go from desktop, laptop, to mobile because they are not in sync. 