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  1. lowesthost

    There are no current SBL listings for

    is a permission slip from my mom OK :) Me personally  Just let them continue to be a spammer haven  keeps most of  the scum contained in one place easy to block. I noticed since the the beginning of the year the the normal Rosko Spammers  making their rounds  trying to sign up under their...
  2. lowesthost

    There are no current SBL listings for

    the Christmas  miracle is over guessing they just updating their database 
  3. lowesthost

    Xen issue XSA-108 (XEN 0day)

    after waiting for the sky to fall we are unaffected  :(
  4. lowesthost

    Believe it or not this kid learned everything on his own...enjoy

    this ones better :)
  5. lowesthost

    Real-time Global DDOS Map

    Its that  great cinematic  movie from the 80's  (sarcasm) War Games " Want to Play A Game"
  6. lowesthost

    Server Management vs In House?

    I would have to side with drmike keep it all in house  
  7. lowesthost

    Coolest traceroute tool? I think so

    I will have to try it on my desktop  I was using a mouse   and touch pad on a laptop and still blurry
  8. lowesthost

    Coolest traceroute tool? I think so

    Neat but the output is to small and it gets cut off  could not read it
  9. lowesthost

    Delaware LLC, ARIN

    You need to have everything in place before even making a request  else it will be rejected 1. multihomed network  (they will want to see contracts) 2. showing the use of a /23
  10. lowesthost

    Burstnet Los Angeles - Next on the chopping block?

    your making me dizzy  STOP
  11. lowesthost


    It works great for Windows  no issues
  12. lowesthost

    Seagate introduces radical new product, sounds delicious

    ALL I can say is MMMM Bacon Same depends on the type of drive. We have had very good results with Seagate SAS drives  SATA not so much.
  13. lowesthost


    We use it Love it  (It Keeps getting better) After the HyperVM implosion we tested all of them on the market  came down to Soulus and Virtualizor. We went with Virtualizor  seemed more stable and the end user interface is so user friendly
  14. lowesthost

    Who is going to disappear first - vs. volumeDrive

    I guess  burst is the winner  (it is April fools though) DigiPLUS Assumes Assets of BurstNet
  15. lowesthost

    Burstnet Los Angeles - Next on the chopping block?

    Burstnet is no more  (it is April fools though)
  16. lowesthost

    ARIN IPv6 Allocation for Free?

    We were given a /32 without issue. They did not question it? Had the allocation within a day.  With IPV4 they ask us the names of our clients first born (Sarcasm).  although or last request went with only one back & forth  pretty easy, but the time before it was 2 weeks of asking for additional...
  17. lowesthost

    Control Panels

    We went that route many years ago  and brand X fell beyond the wayside people want and expect cPanel 
  18. lowesthost

    Dangers of IRC

  19. lowesthost

    Introduction thread

    long time lurker  decided to join :)
  20. lowesthost

    CentOS 6.5/6.4 Custom LAMP Stack Script

    I gave it a shot  works but pecls memcached install is broken (not your scripts fault) I would suggest forcing these for the not so technical making them mandatory entries on your script  If I have time I will see what is making the  pecl install fail