
Search results

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    Looking for Colo in the USA

    Providers are everywhere.
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    New Colocation Facility Presale - Dallas - Special pricing available in Phoenix & Los Angeles Too

    Mun we do just talk to sales and they'll square you away.
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    Total Server Solutions - Stock Clearance Sale, Once They're Gone they're Gone

    Total Server Solutions is having a inventory clearance sale.  We have limited availability at our Colo@ facilities in New Jersey, Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas, Phoenix, and Los Angeles.  Prices starting at 159.00/mo with choices of upgrades as well for extra.  The list is pretty extensive so instead...
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    3 KVM-based VM's - 3 Different locations

    12/mo for our OnApp Cloud in Atlanta.
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    CC Buffalo down for 12 minutes?

    Naw they were installing their brand new /16
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    WHMCS Security Advisory TSR-2014-0001

    Probably using the WHMCS mass mail tool with default settings.
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    Requesting Cloud VPS

    We can do OnApp 4GB RAM 4 vCPU 60GB Disk 5TB Transfer 48.00 HDD 54.00 SSD Comes with free Anycast DNS as well. Gigabit nodes, Colo@ is where our datacenters are.. Were owned by the same parent company Total Server Solutions. Mulitple 10GB/s network uplinks. Atlanta, GA for now.  2 more...
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    The fall of Commercial Media?

    I hate paying by check for anything.  It's like giving someone keys to your bank account.
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    Colocation With Dedicated line?

    Think he's really looking for a his own circuit.  If a provider gave him an entire gig worth of bw he'd still be subject to DDOS attacks and nulling.  If he has his own circuit he'd still get DDOS attacks, but would just be down for the count. However a dedicated 1g circuit can cost 1500+...
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    SolusVM Beta 15.0.1[]=15#beta_release_notes ploop support (I've bugged them about this extensively there are benefits). KVM client area gets a root reset button - yay. Other fixes.
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    OnApp Cloud KVM VM's from 6.00/mo

    The future is the Cloud. Front Range Hosting/WireSix is now offering OnApp Cloud services in Atlanta, (Los Angeles, and 3rd Location TBA) with our base 512MB 20GB 1TB Plan starting out at 6.00/mo. Our Colo@ Datacenter Locations Feature Multiple Diverse Network Providers 10GB/s Internap FCP...
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    WireSix/FrontRangeHosting CDN, PUSH PULL VOD STREAM @ 0.038/GB or 39.00/TB

    @Coastercraze no order through FrontRange were getting ready to start refarming the domains and front range would redirect to  Still the FRH billing system just trying to finish up some back end stuff to do the rebranding.
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    Request: Failover DNS account

    What you're looking for is service monitoring with the ability to update your DNS records on the fly.  We dont have that, but you could write a script to use our API to make the updates.
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    Request: Failover DNS account

    Oh and there's no limits in lookups etc.. just run your domain business as usually.
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    Request: Failover DNS account

    Supports most everything you want from a hosted DNS solution minus RDNS and XFER's so you cant tie a dns server into it. Though I wonder how pulls this off with cPanel.
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    Request: Failover DNS account

    We have Anycast DNS with multiple global location for 12.00/yr for 10 domains, 1.00/mo.
  17. V

    WireSix/FrontRangeHosting CDN, PUSH PULL VOD STREAM @ 0.038/GB or 39.00/TB

    You start at 5.00 and as traffic reduces the 5.00 to 2.50 at 2.50 you get a topoff invoice to bring the balance up to 5.00 again or more if you know you're going to be using more. Yeah any money in there does not expire.
  18. V

    WireSix/FrontRangeHosting CDN, PUSH PULL VOD STREAM @ 0.038/GB or 39.00/TB

    I can see the uptime of individual locations of providers.  Each pop is required to maintain at minimum 2 servers with 3 ip's per server.  So uptime is generally excellent.  Even if a node drops off it's automatically rerouted to the next nearest pop.  So unless you're in far east asia...
  19. V

    WireSix/FrontRangeHosting CDN, PUSH PULL VOD STREAM @ 0.038/GB or 39.00/TB

    Sorry my alerts were spam binned. So 5.00 is just the initial deposit, have not figured out a good way for it to quit saying setup fee. It goes towards your bandwidth usage, once your account balance hits 2.50 it sends a top up invoice and will charge a credit card or take from our account...