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  1. V

    Front Range Hosting website and SolusVM Master down temporarily

    There was a coolant leak and the cabinet was splashed so the server hosting our website and SolusVM master have been taken down as a precaution to inspect if any coolant intruded into the server itself.  All VM Nodes and cPanel nodes are in different cabinets and are not impacted. Site...
  2. V

    Need to patch for Heartbleed? Here are a couple quick how-to posts...

    Just reboot the server to be safe. I have also heard that you may need to rekey your SSL certificates.
  3. V

    Looking for private 1/4 rack colo for a few backup servers in the U.S.

    FDC Has no redundancy in most locations and after being in one of their datacenters I'd never tell anyone to use them.
  4. V

    ARIN Stock Changes Feb 2014 - Down to 1.38

    Total /9: 1 Total /10: 2 Total /11: 1 Total /12: 1 <== Expect this to vanish soon ala CF Total /14: 1 Total /15: 2 - 1 Prev Total /16: 12 Total /17: 12 - 13 Prev Total /18: 20 - 19 Prev Total /19: 18 Total /20: 14 - 18 Prev Total /21: 90 - 89 Prev Total /22: 96 - 95 Prev Total /23: 499 - 505...
  5. V

    ARIN Stock Changes Feb 2014 - Down to 1.38

    or they could just do it over v6 and start bitching at ISP's that are not following through with deployment. Were down to 1.27 as of this morning.  Expect Phase IV by summer.
  6. V

    Colo@ and SecureDragon Clifton, New Jersey Issues / Migration

    The drops are because of the deprioritization of ICMP packets.
  7. V

    Burstnet Technologies Inc. aka Burstnet lies, rips off landlord, refused to move out of Dunmore Data

    Datacenters get better rates than that.  Were a steady load on the system which utilities love from a capacity generating perspective.
  8. V

    Breaking: Burstnet Strategically Defaulted on Leases, Debt Obligations and Data Center Lease - Court
  9. V

    AIT Cloud Server Review

    D. Strout Were IPv6 ready just routed it to the vlan  I just have to plug them in and manually assign them to VM's on request.
  10. V Continues their Implosion!

    Yeah and if the truck wrecks on the highway who's insurance is going to pick up that bill?
  11. V

    The gun thread

    I picked up a 1907 Swiss Mauser for 50 at a garage sale.  Lady did not know what she was selling. It's the shorter cav style one, and probably was ceremonial because all the parts serial #'s match which is pretty awesome.  Needs a new stock, but that's not a biggie.  Usually the serials never...
  12. V

    ARIN Stock Changes Feb 2014 - Down to 1.38

    Mar 7th 1.37 Total /9: 1 Total /10: 2 Total /11: 1 Total /12: 1 Total /14: 1 - 2 Prev Total /15: 2 - 1 Prev Total /16: 12 Total /17: 13 Total /18: 19 Total /19: 18  - 22 Prev Total /20: 18 - 20 Prev Total /21: 89 Total /22: 95 - 94 Prev Total /23: 505 - 510 PRev Total /24: 1255 - 1258 Prev
  13. V

    ColoCrossing, Quick to Get Large IP Blocks Issued and Faster to Soil Them

    They were one of the top 10 recipients of IP addresses last year which is amazing considering their company was Amazon, AT&T, Comcast, Verizon, Verizon Wireless, MicroSoft, Google, Facebook.  Telling me they're as big as these companies?
  14. V

    ARIN Stock Changes Feb 2014 - Down to 1.38

    Feb 14 1.41 Total /9: 1 Total /10: 2 Total /11: 1 Total /12: 1 Total /14: 2 Total /15: 2 Total /16: 13 Total /17: 14 Total /18: 19 Total /19: 20 Total /20: 14 Total /21: 90 Total /22: 94 Total /23: 517 Total /24: 1265 Feb 17 1.40 Total /9: 1 Total /10: 2 Total /11: 1 Total /12: 1 Total /14: 2...
  15. V

    WHMCS Ticket close review plugin

    We use it and get good feedback.  I dont consider it spam, if you get crappy service and never complain or let management know there is a problem how can you expect it to improve?
  16. V emergency bailout of Dallas

    Anyone looking to maintain a Dallas Presence contact us at [email protected] and we can discuss options.
  17. V

    <3 Comcast and IPv6

    I use an Apple Airport base station with Comcast and all my devices get their own /64's via autoconf.
  18. V

    CISCO WS-C3750G-24TS-E

  19. V

    Is there a way to automate kvm re/installs?

    We support this on our OnApp cloud architecture.  You build a VM how you want it.  Make a backup of it.  Then go to the backup and click convert to template.  Then it can be deployed as many times as needed.
  20. V

    GVH Terminates Cloud Hosting And Moving Out From Buffalo

    We'll we have Cloud and were not going anywhere.  In fact were expanding :)