
Search results

  1. V

    Red Hat, Inc Aquires CentOS

    Oracle Linux
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    WireSix/FrontRangeHosting CDN, PUSH PULL VOD STREAM @ 0.038/GB or 39.00/TB

    Front Range Hosting is looking for people wanting a global CDN with better pricing than Akamai, Rack Space, or Amazon AWS. Our Pricing is simple.  .038/GB that’s approx 39.00/TB of data transfer. We support: HTTP Pull HTTP Push VOD Streaming No Content Restrictions other than it be supported...
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    WireSix/Front Range Hosting - SSD OpenVZ From 1.50/mo OnApp Cloud From 6.00/mo

    WireSix/FrontRangeHosting SSD Offers For 2014 All SSD OpenVZ Plans! Semi Managed: We help with VM issues, simple software installs such as Virtualmin or cPanel. Abbreviated TOS:  No CPU Miners, No Spamming, No Nefarious Network Activities. Atlanta - WireSix/Colo@ Los Angeles - WireSix/Colo@...
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    Need help with an rrdtool graph.

    It's the create command that's all.  Just look at the documentation, but one option in there should be for how long to keep the data and I'm guessing it's set to 12 hours.
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    md5 hash of process names

    Seems something eventually causes the output to get offset, for now I've just greped what I want and that does not get shuffled. 
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    md5 hash of process names

    using output of ps -eo pid,comm Would like to do a md5sum of comm while keeping associated with it's pid. ps -eo pid,comm | awk '{ tmp="echo -n "$2" | openssl md5 | cut -f2 -d\" \"" tmp | getline cksum $2=cksum...
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    Lottery is up to $550,000,000... what would you do if you won?

    I'm sad for this thread. NOBODY HAS SAID "2 Chicks at the same time"..  sheesh
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    Where to put dedicated server requests?

    Yeah that would work too.  Might see more requests since people know to put requests there :)
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    Looking for Dedicated server.

    PM Sent but for others curious. Dual Xeon L5520, 64GB, 4 x 500GB Raid-10, 20TB, /26, Atlanta - $249 @  Anyone else interested you can PM me.
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    Bing using CloudFlare?

    Likely Bing is randomly sending traffic through CloudFlare and you happened to find a 404 that exposed what's going on. Could just be an evaluation.
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    Collection of US->EU bandwith capacities

    Download Cachefly: 92.2MB/s Download Linode, Atlanta, GA, USA: 50.7MB/s Download Linode, Dallas, TX, USA: 52.1MB/s Download Linode, Tokyo, JP: 7.67MB/s Download Linode, London, UK: 13.8MB/s Download OVH, Paris, France: 11.5MB/s Download SmartDC, Rotterdam, Netherlands: 8.04MB/s Download Hetzner...
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    Anyone from ukraine or russia?

    In Soviet Russia site accesses you.
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    Request for Dedicated or Hardware Virtualization VPS in Singapore

    I can do this for 109.00/mo in Los Angeles Dual E5620 2x1TB HW Raid-1 16GB RAM, 10TB Xfer. test IP
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    HDMI Switcher with network capabilities.

    Does not exist.  maybe multiple slingboxes but that's it.
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    Recommendation of vps

    If you have a license we can do this at our Atlanta Facility WIndows 2008 is no prob.
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    Front Range Hosting(WireSix) BlackFriday/CyberMonday Offers Inside!

    Front Range Hosting offers powerful, fast SSD Accelerated OpenVZ & KVM VPS Solutions. Now Part of Server Solutions) (Rebranding in progress) which gives us access to 6 data centers spanning the United States Our nodes feature SSD Arrays in RAID-10 Configuration, Gigabit...
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    Looking for Colo

    1/4 CAB 10U 10A (8 Usable) 10MB/s 95%tile for 299.00 Atlanta 34 Peachtree
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    Looking for Colo

    So 5U 5A /28 in IP's and 1-2MB/s bw?
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    How did they get it so wrong?

    Also does not help that they only expected about 5 states to not do their own system, and in the end most red states did not implement their own solutions so the scope expanded to a good portion of the national population.  Had the states gone ahead and done their own systems we might just of...