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  1. V

    Follow Us - Colo@ Datacenter Facility Construction Progress

    Jon they're pretty good at dealing with the noise I think the loudest it gets is when it first starts up from the starter motor, but otherwise fairly quiet.
  2. V

    "true cloud" providers

    We can do this with 2 vps on 2 nodes with a load balancer front ending the apps.  We even support fencing to keep them from firing up on the same node if node A fails and the 2nd vps is on B, it reboots the failed VPS on any other node except B.
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    Online Code Editor

    Sorry this
  4. V

    What’s New at cPanel: IPv6 and 1:1 NAT Support

    And most Comcast households are already IPv6 enabled just a matter of getting all the CPE swapped out, Windows 7 automatically starts using it and OS X, iPhones, and Android are IPv6 ready.
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    What’s New at cPanel: IPv6 and 1:1 NAT Support

    You can probably get 11.40 on bleeding edge settings.
  6. V

    Colocrossing's Core "Router" is a Switch

    In Cisco's defense 4 hours is somtimes 30 minutes, though they send cards to us via Taxi sometimes.  However that 4 hour warranty can even make fortune 100 companies cringe every once in awhile. EX4500's are not meant to be BGP routers if that photo is true, fine for TOR switches though. FCP...
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    Perl Help

    We'll that actually fixed it.
  8. V

    Perl Help

    sub runSsh {   my $command = shift;   my $output;   my $cmdOut = `ssh -o strictHostKeyChecking=no -l $user -i $keyFile $routeServer \"ping -c4\" `; Any idea why $cmdOut is blank?
  9. V

    Good resources for learning PHP?

    +1 code academy and a good PHP book.  Php hacks for servers is also a good book or was that python lol.
  10. V

    Online Code Editor I have invites probably too
  11. V

    [Beta Testers Needed] Open Offers System

    Need a way to select multiple locations per plan otherwise I put in some plans will work on more later.
  12. V

    cPanel Outbound Spam Protection

    Just noticed that cPanel from 11.3x started offering outbound spam protection.  Guess they're trying to keep up with some plesk features for once. Still no IPv6 yet, though I think that's on bleeding edge releases.
  13. V

    [Beta Testers Needed] Open Offers System

    How do providers register, CoreyT is what I registered under.
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    We have constructed additional Pylons (BuyVM Upgrades)

    Linode kept the old L series for years but recently went to E5 2645's or something the 2.7ghz models hex cores.
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    How to secure your wordpress blogs

    I've asked Wordpress several times to randomize plugin directories on install and store them in the db that way drive by attacks through google can never work because each plugin across each install would have a randomized name. They continue to blow off the suggestion which could have the...
  16. V

    Mandrill - Anyone using it?

    Works great, annoys with alerts when mail volume goes up or down probably just turn that off though.
  17. V

    Follow Us - Colo@ Datacenter Facility Construction Progress

    I've seen a lot of gen installs but that genny enclosure has to be one of the better one's I have seen.  That's a good one for client tours :) Some places give a rats ass what their generator rooms look like as long as it meets fire code, but it's terrible for showing to potential clients when...
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    Fraud Fail

    best ones are the ones with no evidence of watermarkings at all that a copier or scanner will always pick up some peice of it.  Always have to check with the official sites about these ID's and make sure what markings they should have. Swear bouncers have it easier lol
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    Fraud Fail

    Chargebacks happens.
  20. V

    Fraud Fail

    Had a user fail fraud checks and we ask for ID. They upload the id. Filename.. Fake1.jpg