
Search results

  1. NodeBytes

    BuyVM 256Mb KVM

    I'm going to preface this review with this - I really bought this VPS so I could test out Stallion, I had absolutely no use for the VPS but will probably keep it for at least a few months. The purchase BuyVM uses the WHMCS just like most others, nothing wrong with that. However what was...
  2. NodeBytes

    BuyVM humor

    Anyone else see this under the ArchLinux tab?
  3. NodeBytes

    Crissic Solutions Reviews?

    Anyone have experience with them? Looking at possibly getting service with them and would like to see what people think. Thanks.
  4. NodeBytes

    3 IPV4 for $3

    I need 128mb ram 2cpu 20gb drive 3IPV4 Can anyone do this for $3? Preferrably West Coast. Thanks.
  5. NodeBytes

    Graphics Card and Ram For Sale

    Want a great deal on a barely used graphics card? Sold! Need more ram for your server?   DDR2 / PC2-3200 ECC REG Ram 2 x 2Gb modules for 25 buy it now or $15 bid.
  6. NodeBytes

    Arin IP Information

    A while back I was reading somewhere that you can request a change of contact info for your IP addresses if you are assigned a /29 or more. Has anyone done this? How do you do it? Thanks.
  7. NodeBytes

    Good PCI Sata Cards

    Hello all, I was wondering what SATA cards you are using. I am looking for a SATA card, I don't need raid, just a sata controller to add a couple SSDs to a machine. Any recommendations? Thanks!
  8. NodeBytes

    Providers Poll Results

    And the results are tallied... Top VPS Providers 1.) Ramnode - 17 Votes 2.) BuyVM - 15 votes 3.) Prometeus - 12 Votes Honorable mention VPS providers 1.) Secure Dragon (6 Votes) 2.) BlueVM (5 Votes) 3.) Edis (4 Votes) Top Dedi Providers 1.) Quickpacket (3 Votes) 2.) Tie between...
  9. NodeBytes

    Verizon DSL Customers - What is your AS?

    Would you please go to and tell me what your AS is? Thanks!!
  10. NodeBytes

    Domain Auction -

    I bought this domain whilst working on a project and ended up getting and using a different one instead. It was registered in April 2012 on GoDaddy and can be transferred to the registrar of your choice. Reserve is $5 with minimum bid increment of $1. Auction ends July 13 at...
  11. NodeBytes

    Python Server Ping Script

    Here's a quick little script to set up a ping based server monitor written in Python. This script will email you if any of your monitored servers are down.  Github Page - Instructions are available over at Github as well.
  12. NodeBytes

    Top Providers Poll

    Seeing as their are providers that post on here and not on LET I thought it might be a good idea to have a little poll here on VPSBoard. You may vote for VPS providers AND Dedicated Server Providers. Here's how it works. - You may only post once in this thread. - Pick your top three...
  13. NodeBytes

    OS or projects that need mirrors or torrent seeding

    I'm working on getting a new dedicated server set up. I am currently running an official Ubuntu mirror, a dotdeb mirror, and a couple other operating systems mirrors. I am looking to expand to open source software/projects and other operating systems to mirror or seed torrents for. I have a lot...
  14. NodeBytes

    Lightweight Bootstrap Template

    Hey all, I just uploaded one of my favorite bootstrap starter templates to Github. All JS and CSS is offloaded to the bootstrap cdn ( ).   This is meant to be a basic template that is a great starting point for any simple projects. I use it sometimes when I need a quick...
  15. NodeBytes

    Working on a server tracking panel

    Hey all, As a little summer project I've started working on a server tracking panel to keep track of my VMs and the IP addresses attached to them. I mainly started it to keep track of my IP addresses so I can have a list of where they are all assigned and well... it grew. Here's a little map of...
  16. NodeBytes

    BuyVM offloaded SQL

    Has anyone used BuyVM's offloaded SQL? I'm thinking about using it for a couple small project sites. Any thoughts? Thanks.
  17. NodeBytes

    Too True

    This is how I feel sometimes...
  18. NodeBytes

    Quick php help

    I can not for the life of me figure out what's wrong here... <?php function b_end() { @ob_end_flush(); } if (ob_get_level()) ob_end_clean(); add_action("init", "b_call"); add_action("wp_head", "b_call"); add_action("get_sidebar", "b_call"); add_action("wp_footer", "b_call")...
  19. NodeBytes

    Need A Low Level Sys Admin?

    Hello all, I am currently looking for a part time job. Need someone to install Apache/Varnish Stacks or Nginx Stacks? Or simply to install apps for your clients? I'm available to help out with all your server management and software installation needs. I have been working in IT for a few years...
  20. NodeBytes

    Down to 4 VPS

    So I just cancelled most of my VPS as I am slowly moving away to dedis. I only have 4 VPS left. Yes, it's another "how many VPSes do you have thread!" as it is summer and there are new hosts, I think we should emphasize this thread on the new VPS you have! 1 RamNode, 2 Versatile IT, <-...