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  1. Francisco


    YEAH. Most hilarious music video i've seen in years.
  2. Francisco

    HOWTO: Stop NTP amplification attacks from reaching your nodes!

    Hello everyone, **If you share this information on your blog, forum, etc, be kind and please link back to this topic!** Normally I'm not one to share stallion code, but after a discussion with a couple staffers we came to the conclusion that the following work must be made public for the...
  3. Francisco

    Nightly backups enabled at BuyVM Las Vegas!

    Hello everyone! I'm excited to announce that nightly backups have been enabled in Las Vegas on all 256MB (and larger) OpenVZ plans! For now, we'll be keeping 7 days of rolling backups but will likely increase this to 14 days. Snapshots will be enabled later this week once said sync is in...
  4. Francisco

    Game of Thrones Season 4 :D

    YEAH BUDDY fffff, well, that doesn't want to load so here's a link: Francisco
  5. Francisco

    Hardware Porn (aka our new backups node)

    Hello everyone, I just noticed that I didn't post this over here so, enjoy! For the past week I've been in Vegas upgrading our storage nodes, getting the last few OVZ nodes swapped to pure SSD's, as well as building out this beast of a chassis for the free backups & snapshots we announced...
  6. Francisco

    BuyVM announces free backups for all 256MB+ OpenVZ plans!

    Hello everyone! While I know we discussed charging for backups (10% - 15%), we've decided to include free nightly backups for all 256MB+ OpenVZ plans. We will be installing the nodes sometime next month and should have the upgrades to stallion in beta within the next week or two. Fear not...
  7. Francisco


    'Nuff said. I've been cackling for the past 10 minutes over it. Francisco
  8. Francisco

    lightweight browsers?

    Hello everyone, I'm working on replacing our "Desktop OS" templates but I'm not sure what browser to be shipping with it. My usual go-to is Chrome but it can bloat on RAM pretty quick. Is there any lightweight (RAM wise) browsers that anyone can recommend? Francsico
  9. Francisco got jacked!

    Pulled from I'll be honest, the last version of VBulletin I could stand was 3.8.x. Their 4.x stuff was a mess.
  10. Francisco

    Ding! Dong! Santrex is dead!

    Thank you to a helpful soul on WHT for passing along a very interesting email that states Santrex, the scum of the internet, is bankrupt and closing up shop: It has been a long time coming. At one point they had an entire /19 or even an /18 listed with spamhaus and other BL's for all of the...
  11. Francisco

    BuyVM announces East Coast DDoS filtering!

    Hello everyone, We're happy to announce that DDoS protected IP addresses are now available on the east coast! How much do they cost? These IP's cost $4.00/IP/month. Is there a limit to how many I can buy? Nope, have at it. Can I GRE these to another location? Whatever you can do in Vegas...
  12. Francisco

    BuyVM announces free SSD upgrades on all 256MB+ OpenVZ plans!

    Hello everyone! I'm pleased to announce that all OpenVZ plans with 256MB+ RAM will be allowed to upgrade to pure SSD backed space sometime in the coming weeks. You'll have to sacrifice half of your space, though We will be honoring all space purchased w/o issue. All new 256MB+ plans starting...
  13. Francisco

    Chunkhost's really iffy ads :(

    I saw this on Reddit just a few minutes ago. We've been discussing it on IRC but I figured I'd bring it up on here as well. For those at work or just don't care to hit reddit - The title of the AD reads "...
  14. Francisco

    Feedback on prices for backups/snapshots

    Hello everyone, We're currently working on adding snapshots & automated backup options to stallion. For backups we're looking to offering keep 2 weeks of rotating snapshots as backups for each user that buys on. Users will also be able to take snapshots at any point and reinstall their VM's...
  15. Francisco

    REQUEST: Spoiler tags

    TL;DR This offer is a freakin' beast in size. I highly recommend we get some sort of spoiler/etc tags that allow grouping. Francisco
  16. Francisco

    Volumedrive about to deadpool? The most interesting post is from the BurstNET rep:
  17. Francisco

    If you're at Generation-Host - Backup your data NOW!

    Not sure how many people are using them but figured i'd bring it up: Source: Francisco
  18. Francisco

    A sad state for VPS offers

    Anyone else noticing how many people are now pushing the fact that an offer isn't based out of a CC location? Reason I bring this up is that I saw BlueVM's newest offer and saw the 'NON-CC' tag. Francisco
  19. Francisco

    advertisement banners

    Hello everyone, We're in need of some banners for BuyVM to advertise on here as well as for our affiliate program rolling out later today. We're in need of a 125x125 as well as a 728x90. We'd like to keep this professional so no spinning pony's or things like that. We don't have a firm price...
  20. Francisco

    East Coast DDOS Filtering

    Hello everyone, We're looking to get some filtering going out of the east coast. No, this isn't back hauled from the west coast, the actual peering spot would be right out of Manhattan. I wanted some feedback on pricing since we're not sure we can do the same $3 IP/M like we do in LV...