
Search results

  1. Francisco

    Per customer /64's?

    Hi everyone, I was hoping for some feedback on what you feel would be the best way to handle per customer /64's. Since IRC is a fairly popular thing around our parts, we're needing to start assigning /64's to clients as most IRC networks limit the amount of connections from the same /96 -> /64...
  2. Francisco

    E3 2013 and all the goodies that come with it

    Figured i'd open a thread here since I saw no chatter about it :) Anyone here decide what platform they'll be going to? If so, why? Personally I got an xbox 360 here that I haven't played in over a year so I expect I'll trade it in for a PS3 or something. I'm kind of sad Nintendo didn't...
  3. Francisco

    Does /dev/null support sharding? :D Francisco
  4. Francisco

    Some strong words from none other than LowEndAdmin

    Hello everyone! Our fearless ex-leader dropped me an email earlier tonight with this closing tid bit that he was OK with me sharing. He did a write up on G+ confirming what I've been saying all along, that Joel didn't pay a dime for the site...
  5. Francisco

    Q-Unit (God dammit Fran)

    While going for a stroll last night after a few hours of stallion code I ran into an old song my in my library. Please, don't hate me :3 Francisco
  6. Francisco

    Stallion 2 - pictures and daily updates :)

    Hello everyone, To continue my thread from LET, Stallion 2 is our new control panel that will not only replace our VPS controls, but in time replace WHMCS. Some key features on the way: - Affordable hosted load balancers - Anycast IP addresses with IP routing (so you don't 'have' to buy VM's...