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  1. budi1413


    Why you share something like this in public? :mellow:
  2. budi1413

    2014 New Years Resolutions

    4k resolution maybe. :P Kidding. I will starting my first full time job ever early next year. I'll do my best then. :)
  3. budi1413

    Improve the theme and the fonts on this forum?

    Not sure but it look great on my laptop screen with 1366 x 768 resolution.
  4. budi1413

    VPS resources graphics

    Yes it is useful. I want to know how much resource i'm using and is it i accidentally abusing the resource.
  5. budi1413

    Louisville, Kentucky VPS?

    They have chicken. :P
  6. budi1413

    96MB and smaller lowend VPS packages - the offer list

    I'm also collecting < 128mb vps. :P
  7. budi1413

    Favorite server location?

    West Coast of US because of combination low latency and cheap cost. :)
  8. budi1413

    INIZ 512MB KVM

    Well, nothing can be done then. :)
  9. budi1413

    Stallion 2 - pictures and daily updates :)

    I have $20+ account credit with BuyVM for emergency use. ;)
  10. budi1413

    Datacenter locations and companies I don't like.

    I don't care with location or company, if there's quality, then i come,
  11. budi1413

    The CC gang & shell companies

    WTF i've seen. :o
  12. budi1413

    HostUS / True LEB Deals! / 32/64/128/256MB! (Plus larger!)

    Love the low end server. :)
  13. budi1413

    INIZ 512MB KVM

    That's whmcs bug i think.
  14. budi1413

    Running a lightweight music streaming service

    Nice tutorial. Now i don't need to bring my music collection everywhere. :)
  15. budi1413 is another Chris Niedojadlo and ServerMania shell company

    Oh god, thanks @drmike for opening my eyes.
  16. budi1413

    Hostigation down?

    At least they not DDOSed on daily basis like some top provider. That's why i love them.
  17. budi1413

    Terafire LA KVM

    How about some benchmark etc? That's too simple and doesn't reflect anything for review. :)
  18. budi1413

    POLL: SSL for vpsBoard. Optional or forced site-wide?

    Inspired by this, my incomplete website also fully using ssl now. :p Before, i just enable ssl in the admin area only. :)
  19. budi1413

    If you weren't working in this industry, what would you rather be doing?

    You are like me. I can do any physical work like farming. You know you feel good by sweating.