
Search results

  1. budi1413 - $7/year - 100GB - 17 Locations

    That insane offer right? Same with me. :D
  2. budi1413

    Terafire Reseller - Review - Best experience until now

    I think 2 different review which linked to each other is better though.
  3. budi1413

    Market Research - KVM Pricepoint. What would YOU want to pay?

    2 cpu core 1024 mb memory 100 gb storage 1 tb bandwidth $7 per month Your current kvm pricing is not that bad though.
  4. budi1413

    Black Friday and Cyber Monday predicitions.

    Maybe 2gb openvz vps for $10 per year.
  5. budi1413

    TacticalVPS 1GB OpenVZ - TX

    This is their 3rd location.
  6. budi1413

    OpenVPN stops working, can't get it to restart

    Yeah the problem is tun device is not exist. You need to give some time and reboot after disable and enable tun/tap via control panel.
  7. budi1413

    OpenVPN stops working, can't get it to restart

    Doesn't look like openvpn log. -_-
  8. budi1413

    OpenVPN stops working, can't get it to restart

    There'll be no log if you not set it in the server configuration. Maybe try reboot the server. Last resort though.
  9. budi1413

    What vps do you have and what are you doing with them?

    For now: 1. 4 active vps. 2. West Coast USA (Los Angeles) since it give lower latency to SEA. 3. Web server, file server, openvpn server and monitoring server.
  10. budi1413

    IPv4 Shortage, Blame Idiots like ColoCrossing.

    Well maybe depend on location, because i'm from SEA. When i'm using provider that utilizing CC network i'm always get 10%-20% packet loss all day and disconnected ssh session. I've never seen problem like that with provider that utilizing other network than CC. The other reason i hate them...
  11. budi1413

    IPv4 Shortage, Blame Idiots like ColoCrossing.

    I hate CC because too much packet loss on their network.
  12. budi1413

    What kind of spec to handle 100k pageview/day

    I recommend use One Asia Host vps. Low latency to Malaysia. :D
  13. budi1413

    ISPConfig 3 AutoInstaller for Latest Debian/Ubuntu

    I might try with DO instance with the credit that laying around.
  14. budi1413

    The future of MyRSK

    Congratulations. That custom panel look nice. Would love to try your service someday.
  15. budi1413

    Earplugs... yep needed

    What do you use all that server for?
  16. budi1413

    Nginx redirect http to https

    Rewrite or redirect better? For now i'm using redirect.
  17. budi1413

    Prometeus LEB VPS - VZ3

    Last time throught US > 400ms. Now the routing change through HK about 150ms - 200ms, but still if using vpn via OAH about 100ms. :P
  18. budi1413

    VPSAce hacked, database stolen, encryption key for cards likely taken

    Taylor Swift the singer maybe. :P
  19. budi1413

    Prometeus LEB VPS - VZ3

    Well my ISP routing to India also bad, through US and EU. -_-