Well I did my piece and I've ask Maarten to do something about the SolveDDoS.com ad on LEB. At least note this shithole of company (Servermania) is behind the offer and 19 others.
It ought to be pulled and so should their other offers under other shell companies.
Frankly, what they are doing is false advertising. They are intentionally lying about who owns what and hiding behind ANONYMOUS WHOIS information.
This week I am starting formal LEGAL complaints to have something done via legal authorities. Enough playing with crooked ass children and asking politely for them to do the right thing.
If we must start this shit about them, I suppose it'd be proper for me to pipe in.
<p>Dear Chris Niedojadlo,</p>
<p>Dear Chris Niedojadlo,</p>
INSERT INTO `tblticketmaillog`(`id`, `date`, `to`, `name`, `email`, `subject`, `message`, `status`) VALUES ('8030', '2013-07-23 20:50:02', '
[email protected]', '
ARIN Hostmaster', '
[email protected]', 'Request to Authorize POC Access', 'ARIN has received a request from Chris Niedojadlo
Chris Niedojadlo must enter the below authorization URL into
Once the authorization URL is entered,
Chris Niedojadlo will be
and associations, Chris Niedojadlo may also be able to edit any
INSERT INTO `tblticketmaillog`(`id`, `date`, `to`, `name`, `email`, `subject`, `message`, `status`) VALUES ('8031', '2013-07-23 20:55:02', '
[email protected]', '
ARIN Hostmaster', '
[email protected]', 'ARIN POC Created', 'ARIN received a request from Chris Niedojadlo to create a new POC.
INSERT INTO `tbltickets`(`id`, `tid`, `did`, `userid`, `contactid`, `name`, `email`, `cc`, `c`, `date`, `title`, `message`, `status`, `urgency`, `admin`, `attachm
ent`, `lastreply`, `flag`, `clientunread`, `adminunread`, `replyingadmin`, `replyingtime`, `service`) VALUES ('1110', '245605', '1', '0', '0', 'ARIN Hostmaster',
[email protected]', '', 'Q1qVFVhc', '2013-07-23 20:50:02', 'Request to Authorize POC Access', 'ARIN has received a request from Chris Niedojadlo
Chris Niedojadlo must enter the below authorization URL into
Once the authorization URL is entered, Chris Niedojadlo will be
and associations, Chris Niedojadlo may also be able to edit any
INSERT INTO `tbltickets`(`id`, `tid`, `did`, `userid`, `contactid`, `name`, `email`, `cc`, `c`, `date`, `title`, `message`, `status`, `urgency`, `admin`, `attachm
ent`, `lastreply`, `flag`, `clientunread`, `adminunread`, `replyingadmin`, `replyingtime`, `service`) VALUES ('1111', '751608', '1', '0', '0', 'ARIN Hostmaster',
[email protected]', '', 'H63XqMYa', '2013-07-23 20:55:02', 'ARIN POC Created', 'ARIN received a request from Chris Niedojadlo to create a new POC.
INSERT INTO `tblactivitylog`(`id`, `date`, `description`, `user`, `userid`, `ipaddr`) VALUES ('29754', '2013-07-12 12:39:31', 'Email Sent to Chris Niedojadlo (C[....]
Just to add some more fuel to this.
Chris:Niedojadlo:1080 Brock Road, Unit 11:

[email protected]:ec7348f1ed8605cfbfa4fd1bb6b61386:EGnX)
INSERT INTO `tblactivitylog`(`id`, `date`, `description`, `user`, `userid`, `ipaddr`) VALUES ('29754', '2013-07-12 12:39:31', 'Email Sent to Chris Niedojadlo (Cus
tomer Invoice)', 'admin', '857', '');
INSERT INTO `tblclients`(`id`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `companyname`, `email`, `address1`, `address2`, `city`, `state`, `postcode`, `country`, `phonenumber`, `pa
ssword`, `authmodule`, `authdata`, `currency`, `defaultgateway`, `credit`, `taxexempt`, `latefeeoveride`, `overideduenotices`, `separateinvoices`, `disableautocc`
, `datecreated`, `notes`, `billingcid`, `securityqid`, `securityqans`, `groupid`, `cardtype`, `cardlastfour`, `cardnum`, `startdate`, `expdate`, `issuenumber`, `b
ankname`, `banktype`, `bankcode`, `bankacct`, `gatewayid`, `lastlogin`, `ip`, `host`, `status`, `language`, `pwresetkey`, `pwresetexpiry`, `emailoptout`, `overrid
eautoclose`) VALUES ('857', '
Chris', 'Niedojadlo', '',
'[email protected]', '11 Cellini Ave.', '',
'Hamilton', 'Ontario', 'L8W3W2', 'CA', '905-308-6634', '574f52bf70d3a
34a32d28ed8667eaddf:YLBdg', '', '', '1', '', '0.00', '', '', '', '', '', '2013-07-12', '', '0', '0', 'jMzLz+29V3hs3nl5oXbw+Iy6MLE=', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '2013-07-12 12:39:31', '', 'dhcp-ac-f1-df-c8-c1-1f.cpe.
sourcecable.net', 'Inactive', '', '', '0', '0', '0');
Chris is just another shell company owner, like really.