
Search results

  1. MannDude

    New Hostbill version is released. Sometimes I wish Hostbill was more commonly used. I like the end-user design, and I feel like the admin area wasn't really all that bad either. Pricing is a bit bipolar, though.
  2. MannDude

    Video card suggestion with good Linux support?

    curtis@crunchbang:~$ sensors radeon-pci-0500 Adapter: PCI adapter temp1: +79.0°C My workstation PC's video card is on a slow death. Fan actually hasn't worked in ages, probably a year or more. No joke. How it continues to run, I don't know. But now I'm getting tired of hearing the...
  3. MannDude

    RaptorNode has been apparently hacked.

    Doing my rounds on WHT as I sometimes do, and see someone has posted that RaptorNode has been hacked. See the screenshot below: Src: What it looked like before: It...
  4. MannDude

    Whats happening with 123Systems?

    I've been seeing more and more talk recently on WHT and LET about 123Systems, lack of service and prolonged downtime, even their last LEB offer was pretty poor in regards to comments. Does anyone know what happened? It seems that Andrew has also left 123Systems, as his name on WHT has also...
  5. MannDude

    How much do you spend on Virtual Servers?

    Have we done one of these? I don't think so. I used to have a spreadsheet for this, but I've gotten rid of and canceled some servers so the list isn't nearly as long as it once was. I just paid a yearly Ramnode invoice so it made want to check what all VPSes I have with who and what it's setting...
  6. MannDude

    What do you consider valid justification for IP space?

    Due to the IPv4 depletion, I know some companies are tightening their grips on their IP space and ensuring that only needs with proper technical justification are assigned IP addresses and will require proof, as well. In the past, SSLs required their own dedicated IP however that is not the...
  7. MannDude

    Do you sell domain names too?

    Curious who here resells domain names and if anyone actually orders them. What are you using to offer them? Seems like eNom is pretty well regarded, but there are some other viable options it seems as well. It would expect that your average VPS customer would likely register their domains from a...
  8. MannDude

    Spamhaus. A good or bad force in the industry?

    Seems that there is a common divide when it comes to opinions on spam authorities such as Spamhaus. Some see the value in such blacklists whereas others find them to be immoral organizations. I've seen opinions range widely from them being a 'necessary force' to being compared directly with...
  9. MannDude

    Computer chairs. What do you recommend?

    I'm trying to make my work space more comfortable by getting items that are designed for frequent/heavy use. Recently I have updated my keyboard to an ergonomic one, and I feel less strain in my fingers after a long day at work which is great. The next item on the list for replacement would be...
  10. MannDude

    US government says online storage isn't protected by the Fourth Amendment

  11. MannDude

    Do you have health insurance?

    We've got a globally diverse group here, some of which live in nations with supplied healthcare and others in places who do not provide it. Curious who here has health insurance and who does not. If you have it, do you pay for it out of pocket (not with your taxes) to a provider each month? How...
  12. MannDude

    Need a new keyboard

    What does everyone here use for a keyboard? I type and type and type all day. My fingers get sore. I stretch them out and try to give my hands a rest while working though it's come to my attention that a better keyboard more suited for a typist or someone who spends all day at a keyboard is...
  13. MannDude

    URPad Claiming new WHMCS Vuln

    Looks like URPad posted about a WHMCS or Solus vulnerability (, but I can't seem to find anything available in regards to news about this. Has anyone else heard anything? Do you think providers should be concerned or do you think it's...
  14. MannDude

    Anyone using Tox?

    Does anyone here use Tox? ( . I had it bookmarked from months ago and just happened to look into it again today. Looks interesting, though I've not actually downloaded or installed it. Curious for actual feedback before I do that. What do you think?
  15. MannDude

    Quarterly vpsBoard newsletter/update

    Some of you who are opted-in for email updates received this earlier or are about to receive it via email. I had a hiccup with the first batch of newsletters due to a formatting issue and I didn't notice until over half the mail queue was processed. I fixed my tired-eyed mid morning error and...
  16. MannDude

    Happy Birthday, America.

    It's after midnight for those of us in the Eastern Standard Timezone... with that said, Happy Birthday America! Neighborhood shooting off some fireworks, though they'll get crazier later this evening after everyone has slept. Anyone doing anything special for the 4th of July this year?
  17. MannDude

    London Teen Charged in Connection with Massive Spamhaus DDoS Attacks

    Read more here: Another example of playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes. Happy to see that there are consequences to such attacks being dished out. Wonder if the teen was a...
  18. MannDude

    vpsBoard Article Bounty Program

    Do you want to earn some money while helping grow the vpsBoard community? If so, read on. We'll soon be launching an 'article bounty program', where we publish a list of articles, tutorials or other content we'd like to see uniquely written and published to vpsBoard. Those interested will be...
  19. MannDude

    New vpsBoard summer contest! Win some cash.

    Because the last contest went so well, I'm excited to announce the details of our new summer contest! Ideally, we'll be running contests every two or three months to give back to the community and allow you to win some money. The last contest had members submit tutorials and guides, and while it...
  20. MannDude

    cPanel rant

    Is it possible to disable cPanel's pushing of TrustWave SSLs within WHM? I ask, because it came to my attention yesterday that someone had purchased an SSL Certificate for their VPS direct from within WHM's interface, and was processed and setup by TrustWave. Aside from taking a sale away from...