
Search results

  1. MannDude

    Happy Father's Day

    To all the Dad's out there, happy father's day!
  2. MannDude

    Anyone watch Silicon Valley?

    Just watched the first season last night. Funny show. Sort of a Workaholics meets the Social Network type vibe. It's got pretty good ratings and seems to be pretty well received. I recommend checking it out if you have HBO or a method of acquiring the...
  3. MannDude

    Limiting the CPU resources a bash script can consume when running?

    Is it possible to limit the amount of CPU a bash script can consume when it runs? I've a bash script running via a cron job every 4 hours, and when it initiates it eats up the CPU for about 15-20 seconds which causes timeouts and/or extremely slow page loading at the time the script initiates...
  4. MannDude

    Full Edward Snowden interview with Brian Williams Pretty good listen, first time there has been a real sit down interview with him and it's interesting to hear him speak in detail outside of random media edited soundbites.
  5. MannDude

    How did you come up with your company name?

    Curious how everyone here came up with their company name. Some names seem obvious, as in they include the words, "host", "vps", "server", etc. Others, not so much. Since your company name is your brand identity, I'm curious why you chose the name you did and how you came up with it.
  6. MannDude

    Best way to benchmark test environments for real-world load?

    So, I've got a dev VPS that I am planning to use to test several different environments and want to put them under real-world load to measure the results. Trouble is, I'm not quite for sure how to proceed as I want to ensure I get accurate results that I can easily compare when running the same...
  7. MannDude

    Google AdSense - Leak from former employee.

    Stumbled upon this just a bit ago, gave it a read, supposedly from a former Google employee. Figured it'd be worth sharing as it's likely relevant to the interest of some of us here. Source is at the bottom, just a pastebin doc, so take it for what it is. Source:
  8. MannDude

    Domain name question (eNom)

    Say you own: You've had it since 2004 and it expires, lets say, July 4th. So the WhoIS information would show something like: Creation Date: 2004-07-04 01:16:00Z Registrar Registration Expiration Date:  2014-07-04 01:16:17Z Now, let's say you no longer have access to this domain...
  9. MannDude

    Benefits and downfalls of running Nginx and Apache side-by-side?

    Hey all, I'm looking into running Nginx and Apache side by side to power vpsBoard. Currently running only Nginx and serving PHP via php5-fpm, though it seems once every day or so that PHP likes to consume all CPU and throw out errors. I'm looking into different options of correcting this as...
  10. MannDude

    eBay hacked. Change your password.

    Source: &&
  11. MannDude

    Differences between common transfer methods?

    The other day was talking to someone who uses FUSE, and although I had heard of it I've never actually utilized it. Got me thinking what the major differences are between common transfer methods, and one would be better than the other in certain scenarios. Anyone care to give me a basic...
  12. MannDude

    Debian security advisory

    "Several vulnerabilities have been discovered in the Linux kernel that may lead to a denial of service, information leaks or privilege escalation"      
  13. MannDude

    Free $100 Amazon AWS Credit

    Would like to thank @KMyers for pointing this out elsewhere, figured I'd share it here too. I just got $100 AWS Credit that I'm going to use to to tinker with some AWS services. You've got to fill out some info and you may not get it, but it worked for me. May not be a global thing, but worth a...
  14. MannDude

    A note about "Verified Providers"

    It should be noted that the vpsBoard Verified Provider group is not an endorsement of hosts we think you should sign up with, rather it's a list of providers who have at-least met the minimum requirements to be listed as a Verified Provider. Requirements can be seen  here:  We still encourage...
  15. MannDude

    RocketVPS migration from Reston, VA to Baltimore, MD

    Got this email earlier tonight, just now getting caught up on communications from the weekend... I guess I overlooked the email from earlier this month sent on the 3rd...
  16. MannDude

    YouTube radio or streaming playlist script?

    I'm looking for a script that will allow me to sort of start a internet radio station of sorts, based on YouTube sources. Additional sources of media support such as SoundCloud would also be ideal, but not needed. In short, just looking for something that will allow me to make playlists or a...
  17. MannDude

    Technology based charities? Community powered charity auction?

    Been doing some brainstorming recently, and was interested in starting a community based charity auction of sorts. Figured we could do one once a year or something and raise some money for causes that are relevant to the community and something we'd all support. There are no specifics yet...
  18. MannDude

    GreenValueHost forced password reset - Security breach?

    Unsure if anyone here is actually a customer, I know they have an active following on LowEndTalk however. The past few hours people over there have been mentioning their passwords being reset without their doing, looks GreenValueHost has officially released a statement via email. If you're a...
  19. MannDude

    Congratulations Nikki, wlanboy and peterw!

    Congratulations @Nikki, @wlanboy and @peterw! The three of you won vpsBoard's The have been counted, and this is what we (HalfEatenPie and myself) have tallied up here. @Nikki came in 1st place with 26 votes. He/she has won a $200 Amazon Giftcard! @wlanboy came in 2nd place with 12 votes...
  20. MannDude

    Do embedded videos appear for you? Please check this out and let me know.

    I've seen a couple reports of embedded videos not working for some people, while for most I do believe they appear properly. On all my devices, whether it be Linux or Windows powered (or Android), I've had no issues seeing the embedded videos in posts. Chrome, Firefox, Opera, DWB and even the...