
Search results

  1. MannDude

    This is vpsBoard

    Fueled by tea and general boredom, I figured I'd do a comparative write-up about vpsboard and touch base on why this place is the place to be. Unbiased leadership As most of you know, though some newcomers may be unaware, vpsBoard is provider neutral. Ran independently with no provider...
  2. MannDude

    Best place to sell domain names?

    Usually I sell all my hosting related domains on WHT as they've got a large visitor with deeper pockets. I've never really had an issue selling domains on there for $30-$80~, all the way up to $500 for domains I've done nothing to other than register them. Well, I've got a small handful of...
  3. MannDude

    Your computer uptime?

    What's your current uptime with your home computer? I don't like turning mine off unless I have to, as it's nice waking up / sitting down at the desk / whatever and having everything ready to go. manndude@crunchbang:~$ uptime 23:36:07 up 8 days, 9:26, 9 users, load average: 0.18, 0.25...
  4. MannDude

    Daily Server Deals has launched!

    What is Daily Server Deals? If you're not familiar, please read this thread I started here: In short, it's a new server offer website built from the ground up! You...
  5. MannDude

    DailyServerDeals - New website for VPS and Server offers - Built from the ground up and ready for ac

    Hey everyone! vpsBoard member Novacha and I have been working on putting together Novacha is the member who wrote the opensource ad-system that vpsBoard uses called, OpenAds aswell as the code for OfferListing that is powering Daily Server Deals is a...
  6. MannDude

    Features you'd want in a bash backup script?

    I'm working on a backup script as a learning project. I already use it to maintain backups for vpsboard and other projects. As of right now it's relatively simple and just creates a compressed local backup (WWW data and MySQL), rsyncs it to a remote server every 2 hours where it is archived and...