Ah leave him be. Andrew has a family and a daughter to feed so it's at least justified if there's any sort of stronger relationship between them. His dad doesn't have a million dollar yacht to wipe his tears away with.
1. Andrew should have removed his head from the sand years ago. Parked on old OS, gear, etc. Amazing his whole company hasn't been owned by an attack, already. Seems like his company hit pause at the point where he tried duping BuyVM's model and ran away from the nest.
2. Andrew and his kiddo, that's not my fault. Get a job bubba. Join the rest of the wanna-be aspiring blowend VPS folks get yourself two or more jobs and a bunch of third world slave levelers to do your support for a bag of rice and $10 a month.
3. Allowing a company to routinely crap on customers like this thread and others elsewhere is unforgivable. There is a reason why CONSUMER PROTECTION LAWS exist. It is to protect from unsavory cheap snake oil salesmen. Come on, very long extended downtime for a number of folks. Scour the various forums and see.
4. While Saint Fran might be playing nice to his "enemies" or at least to someone who walked on Fran, tried duping his business and seems to have stiff Fran out of $$$, me I am not so nice. Fran get your head on straight fellow, this cartoon opened the barrel his dead company needs shoved in and sank in the ocean. Someone call the Coast Guard.
4.5. Andrew showing up with Chris in tow, sounds like 123 either has been acquired by CVPS or will be used to push more of the pass through shell / shill games. GHV, HVH, CVPS, Aim2Game, SSDVPS, etc.
5. The million dollar yacht

Hehe, who you talking about there Fran? That's 300-500k leisure boat. But poppa did incorporate to run a biz brokering other pleasure crafts back in August. At least his dad isn't remarketing female sex toys and Sambucol.
6. Where does Fabozzi get that you were shopping used drives? I am certain someone like you isn't chit chatting with Fabozzi about stuff like that, or were you being a dummy? Hmm wasn't that 2011....