We sent the offer to around 12 individuals, admin can confirm if necessary.Well, someone can confirm as an admin perhaps how many of these promos were sent out.
See if exclusive or scope of parties who received it.
I hate spam, however, it is a free giveaway and is on topic to interest (VPS). So, I don't mind too much.
Would have rather seen an offer post asking folks to PM them for the offer though.
Well, someone can confirm as an admin perhaps how many of these promos were sent out.
See if exclusive or scope of parties who received it.
I hate spam, however, it is a free giveaway and is on topic to interest (VPS). So, I don't mind too much.
Would have rather seen an offer post asking folks to PM them for the offer though.
Maybe a points system, where when we post, we get a certain ammount of points, and we can use those points for things.Now now, pitchforks and fire
12 invites? Ahh that's targeted. Spam, well, I don't mind the free ice cream and burger coupons that show up in my physical mail randomly.
Unsure about board policies and if everyone read their member legal nonsense
I'd rather see them buy an ad than anything. @MannDude, get a package/system/whatever implemented.
Good thing to point the providers toOffers cant be posted untill they get 10 posts. http://vpsboard.com/topic/4-vps-offers-rules-and-formatting-guide/
Maybe a points system, where when we post, we get a certain ammount of points, and we can use those points for things.
A forum that costs $175 to license should, for that price. Lemme google it.Good thing to point the providers to10 posts isn't much.
Points would be interesting idea. Unsure if IPB supports/addons for such.