In case anyone missed it Bitpay is now requiring compliance information from those merchants who are using it.
Thank you for being a valued BitPay merchant! We have recently updated our compliance policies, and these changes could potentially affect processing for your account. As a part of BitPay’s Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Program, we are required to collect certain verification information depending on the nature, volume, and value of our merchant’s transactions. BitPay has a Tier system in place that will enable higher daily transaction volume after additional verification information is provided.
If you are receiving this email, it is because our compliance team needs you to choose the Tier that best suits your processing needs so that your transaction capabilities are not disrupted. Please login to your merchant Dashboard undefined Settings undefined Approved Volume to apply for the appropriate Tier, and you will be prompted via email to upload the necessary compliance documents.
Please complete this process within the next 10 business days to avoid any disruption to your transaction capabilities and processing volume. Based on the information we have on file, your transaction capabilities may be temporarily disabled or set to a minimum daily amount if we do not receive your response. Please contact [redacted] with any questions.We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to continuing to service your business!
Thank you,
BitPay Compliance
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