I like what you appear to be doing, but would you mind if I asked for you to introduce yourself here for everyone? Personally, I'm a little turned off by people being anonymous right now in light of recent events. I think that it's fairly justified.
Hey there, I'm Luke Strickland, clone1018 is my online alias. I'm a software developer and hosting fanatic, but it's understandable you've never heard of me, I don't generally make new products like this. In case you're curious
these are
some of my
other projects that I've created. If you'd like to know anything elase please just ask away and I'll do my best to help you.
Pardon my ignorance, but I never heard of Open Source software that needs to be paid for using it on own. I can understand if the payment is for the support and quick fixes.
It's understandable really, there aren't many companies even dealing money that are open source. But there are companies doing it, and we're one of them! Also about your "quick fixes", those would be committed for everyone to use, free of charge

There are some really great companies that are following this movement,
here are
some of my
Yeah, because the fact that your source being completely public won't make it completely trivial to null the license checking, right? Right? Oh, wait, yes it will.
Sure! And I fully expect 80% of our "customers" to be people who have nulled the software, piracy happens no matter what you do. And I don't plan on hurting my product by trying to protect against it. Hell, all you have to do is remove the license modules (I'll post source when it's done) and then remove the requirement from the validator of the form.
Profits of a company are needed for security audits, advertising, support and development. My hope is that by licensing out the software, I can continue to devote time to fixing and improving it. If the software was open source and free there would be no possible way to support/develop the project after it's "complete", it would just fall off and become "that free panel".
Not to talk smack but 100% of the people I have mentioned this to believe it's going to either:
- be a disaster.
- not be completed.
I sure hope not

Of course!