comment is in reference to the little fact that Velocity Servers Inc was relatively debt free until last August. Since that time it has been relying heavily on secured financing. Bank of America UCC filings are now a monthly thing: April, May, June, July. Other secured creditors taken on in the past year include Brocade, financing companies, and equipment lease companies. tl;dr they better hope Spamhaus doesn't whack the remaining 36% of their IPs which would put a crimp in CC's revenue growth (and cause an exodus of dedicated server renters) and could put them in a precarious position...
Well, CC should have been on leasing arrangements years ago. Should have been piles of UCC filings each year. Problem with these docs are the lack of parts inventories and dollars at play on many of them. I believe I saw E3's on one recent and some SSDs... No mention of E5's right?

Wondering how big that Florida UCC filing linked to family money back in what 2011-12 was - cause that likely provided either their float or collateral for borrowing.
Unsure what's up with them and leasing big picture, but their name and one leasing company illicited some funny AVOID comments without any details. So they did something ahh known to be bad/naughty in that circle.
A few hundred more than that slushee machine in the other thread... That's not an amount I would expect someone to sign over their life and become an indentured servant over
That is so funny on so many levels. CC and their tech cast system of sorts.
$3k is nothing. $3k doesn't even cover the cost of a real node build. Not talking about glorified pro-consumer stuff aka E3's. (not hating on small newbs running E3 nodes they own but - yeah)
This again kids, is why I FROWN heavily on companies who are pure rental from their DC / upstream middleman. Fine first six months maybe a year. I see multi-year companies still on leased/rented gear and folks just can't do basic math / swing the cash to buy / string together lending / get credit card to buy gear aka they don't have a business.
But then again the formula in segment is 1. Rent a server (simple will sell to a 9 year old with a payment that goes through), 2. Use same paypal for payments 3. Buy month to month host-in-a-box licenses 4. Rip terms and site from whoever, customize in 2 hours. 5. Register domain 6. Go to LET / WHT and post bomb offers.