Fishy? More like helping security.and you stated you changed a leaf and wouldn't do anything "fishy" any longer, yet you still do.
Security, more like stealing and lying to your customers.Fishy? More like helping security.
you have done things in the past that are ironic in this case.
I'm going to stop derailing this thread, but my point is that you have done some shitty things.My image is clean, you're bringing up the past, so how about I start bringing up the past? Like the past where I disclosed vulnerabilities to the public.
Shall I make that the future also?, where did that thread copied from?, where did that thread copied from?
@Otakumatic Actually you will get better performance for your $7. Heck, our Xen nodes provide way better I/O than Linode, and we're releasing our SSD Cached Xen packages soon (very soon). And there are many other small providers who offer quality service for $7. So of course Linode is making a killing by pushing as many users as possible per node. Plus I have a sneaky suspicion that they are using RAID 5 or 6 instead of 10 to get more storage space out of their drives.There is no way I'm paying $20 for a Linode VPS when I can get the same specs for ~$7.