100% Tier-1 Gogent
Well, I've long be curious as to number of nodes RamNode operates.In all honesty ramnode had much fewer nodes.
What RamNode really had was a better management policy and contingency planning. Nick isn't a sales idiot, he's the owner and a technical guy. Contrast that to CVPS where the owner is a sales fellow who spends his time trolling forums and playing whack-a-mole.
Then again, no clue in either attack to the number of nodes destroyed. I suspect CVPS had far more nodes destroyed.
washed their hands of it and are just waiting for people to jump ship personally. Each ticket opened gets the same canned response
Little doubt at this point if you are offline, you are going to receive an empty VPS --- if you still want to be a CVPS customer. (heck two major hacks in 7 months --- so the saying goes, third one is a charm).
The canned responses are kind of comical. This is why you hire proper staff and maintain what you need for the customer base. They should have brought in more folks to do customer support and someone to get working on billing credits while the other helpers and regular staff dealt with the technical issues of reinstalling servers and retrieving backups.
Those offline have been the entire business week.
There are at LEAST 11 servers that show major downtime in this 24 hours. Mind you, there are nodes that aren't monitored in Pingdom and one of them had been down through at least early this morning. Plus their control panel is offline according to monitoring (unsure how customers are doing Solus-necessary things without Solus available).They say everything is back online