Can anyone briefly explain why we should hate CC?
Terrible Network.
Buffalo went from Level3 (Tier 1) single-homed, while Jon called Cogent "goent" - only to later drop Level3 from the mix (but probably had ol G. Monk Stanley) keep it on the route table, with less than 2% of traffic.
Routes that go from the middle of the US -> San Jose -> Buffalo. 105 MS from Colorado -> Buffalo. Under 60 MS to every other DC in the tri-state area.
Saturated uplinks / switches. I literally watched them turn up XO one day when I was complaining about the over-saturated bandwidth. Ol Jonny Boy said there wasn't any issue, but an hour later routes magically went over a new XO path.
That was the 1 week issue which was blamed on "dust in the uplink" - Until I had to go back and forth 15 times would they only check it without charging remote hands fees. No Jon, it was due to you over-selling your return path over as you say 'Gogent' - As soon as XO magically was announced, took separate paths, and was able to push more than 20 KB/s.
I can go on about hardware issues - which ensued in CC only offering to do memtests during the day, or techs who simply lied about '3-5 hour RAM tests'
If you want a bunch of kids in a day-care managing your servers without the real names of who owns the company / operates it (G Monk / Gary Gibson) CC is your choice!