This. My intake of caffeine is limited to long study sessions.I open my eyes and get out of bed, if you think you need drugs to function.....
Physical activity? Ugh.This. My intake of caffeine is limited to long study sessions.
Excercise is also good if you lack energy.
Lift weights, get swole, it works faster when you're youngPhysical activity? Ugh.
This or amphetamines is the ultimate Correct Answer to this thread, though20mg of methylphenidate
Granted I'm not a normal case. Diet irrelevant, I could sleep for 12 hours and barely be able to function for another 2 hours before I'm just gone.
My kidneys actually winced reading thisI used to drink nothing but pop and energy drinks
used to be at least 2 - 20oz bottles of coke( if not 3 ), and 1 energy drink, when I used to smoke it was 2 cigerattes also.
I wish I could get to sleep within 2 hours. I can go to bed at 11PM, and still be up at 3AM almost every night.Same as Tim, I believe that your body can adjust, maybe people should start giving it a try. If you sleep for 2 hours a night for more than a few nights your body will adjust (this will take more than a few nights, say 2 weeks) and you'll have just as much energy in the morning as someone that sleeps say 8 hours. People underestimate the body and feel the need to pump themselves with crap.
That's super easy, I do it all the time even if I spend a few (6-10) hours in bed trying to sleep.#naturallystaysupfor48hoursatatimeonceaweeksometimeslonger.
I sleep 4-5 hours a day, sometimes with a 20 minute nap in the afternoon. I've been doing this for several months now and feel no sleep deprivation at all, but people vary and claiming one way or the other is healthier is dubious.You should only sleep 6 hours a night!