Most of the negativity is because of the bad reputation GVH has. In my opinion, if some is willing to turn GVH around, I say go for it and good on you and I wish them good luck!
I think @
tdale has done the right thing in taking on its clients & he is right, there are clients who are a business and leaving them in the cold would do more harm than good.
This is entirely how I feel. The negativity is about JOnny GVH bouncing from one hair brained bad idea to another, folding versions of the company up rapidly (how many times can same company hard stop offering product and then go offer it again?), having massive customer facing fubars (alleged hacks, horrendous ticketing sagas, chargeback horror).
Not 100% true. There's 3 main factors for me:
- GVH = Huge turd.
- GVH clients have been passed around like a $5 whore at a frat part.
- @tdale's past with UGVPS, CVPS, and CC.
AnthonySmith summed up everything in his
LET post:
Yeah these three are valid.
#2 is only one I find a tad off and no way for me to soothe public sentiments on it. Clients of GVH went from GVH to Xfuse (prior GVH VPS + dedi clients). GVH latest customers (shared and reseller) went from GVH to Xfuse (not really though as Duke never handled them but had access to accounts and looked at mess and said hell no) and sold them to TDale.
Duke has been a good caretaker of customer since the prior GVH client takeover. There haven't been public leaks, hacks, etc. There are reasons for that and the change vs. when it was GVH. To start Duke doesn't operate a playground of teens, hacker types, etc. He has a core team that has remained the same since the GVH handoff. Nor does Duke personally do dramas. Dramas upset Duke more than anything. He's not out shopping for attention, in fact he's been too quiet outside of these Jonny-caused flare ups.
Which brings us to the present:
- @tdale's past with UGVPS, CVPS, and CC.
This is valid. I pieced all the data together and cemented this in hosting history. It was matter that was unacceptable then and well I think tdale told the rest of the story a while back with my assistance and not enough folks read the timeline and all (would help to have those swiping at things on LET review said timeline since the UGVPS behavior was mainly post-handoff to CVPS/CC). This puts Tdale back in saddle working with CC / HVH, only where original customers end up with him. Nothing said at this point about him inheriting the prior customer base Duke is holding (VPS + dedis).
Past behavior is all folks have to work on. Prudent to look at such and blow a whistle. Tdale claims he's working his brand and in it to make things a success. I've asked him if he has the time and energy to even attempt this and withstand the ass whoopings being around GVH-anything brings. He claims he has the time and energy. I hope he's being straight and honest to himself, family, folks in this industry, etc.
I think he's going to make a good attempt. Will it work? From cashflow perspective as-is, no. GVH products [emphasis on latest SHARED] sold and minds of many customers was on cheapest stuff and annuals. GVH name and ability to use that as vehicle to move more sales is severely negative. So only thing being assumed would be existing customers and servers in place along with any costs / debts attributable. The shared stuff is blah and rentals and rentals of containers. So it's a cPanel migration away from consolidating into one discount location and being done.