A few kids pissed me off, so I deleted their work for their classes(they finally got smart and had a memory stick on them constantly HA). So they started questioning me. How did I find access to the student files, how did I know what I was doing, how did I know how to use Command Promt, how did I know this, how did I get around the firewall. It was rather stupid.
They basically locked my account down. I still got away with all the same crap, but they never realized it.
A teacher pissed me off, I figured out her password — it was the same as her login (lastname first initial). So her login name was bawdenj, so her pass was bawdenj. 2 days before the end of the term, I “accidently” deleted her files, grades, everything.

"Yo, check it out guys, it's insanely great -- it's got a 28.8 bps MOODEMM!"
Fun fact -- dude on the far right now goes by "Sally Can't-Dance".
You might remember her from "Con Air". Also on the far right.

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