There are a wide range of server and network monitoring software available out there. Just to name a few, you have Munin, Nagios/Icinga, Zabbix, PRTG, and of course ServerStatus by Mojeda and Mun.
All those alternatives are fantastic. I could talk about the key benefits of every single monitoring software. However, for this tutorial we'll be jumping into something more general: Observium. Observium is "an autodiscovering network monitoring platform supporting a wide range of hardware platforms and operating systems..." While Observium's main focus is network monitoring, it also includes some hardware monitoring components available making it a pretty well-rounded monitoring platform.
If you're already an Observium veteran, then fantastic! At the very bottom I'll be including some minor changes to the configs and additional modules I'm using in addition to Observium. Feel free to take a gander if you wish.
Before we start, shoutout to @mitgib for getting me started on this several years ago when I was first fiddling around with monitoring systems! You're the man!
The contents of this tutorial will be broken down into multiple posts due to certain limitations. We'll start with setting up the Observium server, setting up the Observium client, then end with minor tweaks and additional modules available. However, this tutorial will not touch upon the Unix Agent since... ehh... I think it's incredibly finicky and there's not a whole lot of documentation available. The instructions for the Observium Server is also available here on Observium's Wiki.
[SIZE= 24px]Observium Server[/SIZE]
Jumping right in, we're going to be install Observium on a Debian 7 server. This is because Observium is actually developed on Ubuntu and Debian systems. However, RHEL and CentOS instructions are available here for those of you who are interested, and for the monitoring portion we'll include instructions on how to monitor RHEL and CentOS Servers. Just note Observium doesn't provide assistance on RHEL/CentOS or any other installations that aren't Ubuntu or Debian. For the purpose of this tutorial, we're going to assume you're running as the root user (because permission and whatnot).
Begin by running:
apt-get update
While it may sound trivial, you want to download the latest package lists from the repositories. Anyways now install the packages required to run Observium:
Observium runs on top of Apache, MySQL, PHP, RRD, and NetSNMP (as well as Graphviz and fping). During the package installation process, you're going to receive a prompt to provide the MySQL Root password. Provide a secure password since that's pretty important and make sure you don't forget it!
Create the directory Observium is going to operate out of:
mkdir -p /opt/observium && cd /opt
For the purpose of this tutorial, we're going to be using the Community/Open Source Edition of Observium. Download and unpack it.
You're going to have a new folder in your /opt/ folder named observium. Change to that folder:
Login to the MySQL Command Line by typing:
Provide the MySQL Root Password you set earlier. From here you'll notice the mysql>. This is the MySQL shell. From here, we're going to be creating our database and assigning a new user all permissions to the new database. From the MySQL Shell, enter:
Link (Note: Moved to due to IPB not accepting SQL Commands)
Now exit the MySQL Shell by typing:
Now we'll find ourselves back in Bash and in /opt/observium folder. Lets copy the default configuration and edit it for our system.
Update the config.php file with the proper MySQL database information.
Let's setup the default schema for the MySQL Database:
php includes/update/update.php
We're going to create the directory Observium will store it's logs. In addition, we'll also be creating the directory to store the RRD data files as well as modify the permissions:
Now this tutorial is assuming your server will only be running Observium for the webserver. This can be modified by using vHosts, however that's outside the scope of this tutorial. Open the default apache configuration file:
and I'd suggest changing it to this:
Note: For those of you who are using Ubuntu 14.04, use this Apache2 Config...
With the apache2 config files edited, we're going to enable a few modules. Enable the PHP mcrypt module:
php5enmod mcrypt
Now enable the Apache module rewrite to "prettify" Observium's URLs:
Now add the administrator account (level 10) to Observium:
Finally, setup the cronjob so that it discovers new hardware and polls our servers regularly by:
and entering this as the contents:
Note: The last line of the above cronjob shows "/opt/observium/ 2". Older versions of Observium used the outdated poller.php which only created a single poller instance. This was great for initial testing or just a low number of servers, but for a large volume of servers this wasn't enough. was then included with more recent Observium installations which created however many processes defined (in this case, 2). Change the number after to the number of cores or instances you wish to run/use (e.g. for a VPS with four CPUs you can change the number to 4).
Great! You've installed Observium Server! Now point your browser to http://<Server IP> and be on your way!
[SIZE= 24px]Observium Client[/SIZE]
Observium mainly utilizes two types of pollers, SNMP and the Unix Agent. Only SNMP will be covered in this tutorial. The Unix Agent can/will be featured in a future post, or someone else can do it who knows.
This tutorial will help you install and configure SNMP for CentOS, RHEL, Debian, and Ubuntu servers. This tutorial will not help you configure SNMP for Windows Server or other clients, however there are resources available to help you with that.
To start, install the SNMPD package:
For CentOS and RHEL:
yum install net-snmp net-snmp-libs net-snmp-utils
For Debian and Ubuntu:
To make life easier, we're simply going to scrap the default SNMPd Configurations:
Now open the blank SNMPd configuration:
Enter the following configurations:
SNMP operates with the community strings, therefore you can change COMMUNITYNAME to something else (a single word though, no spaces or punctuations are accepted). For the purpose of this tutorial I'll be using vpsBoard. After you type in the community name enter your server IP (to prevent reflection attacks). syslocation is metadata used by Observium and other snmp services. Under LOCATION, enter the System's physical location, for the purpose of this tutorial I'll be using "Dallas, Texas, United States". syscontact is additional metadata required by SNMP. Frequently I just enter one of my own email addresses. In the spoilers is a sample configuration of snmpd.conf.
With the SNMPd configurations done, we have to restart the service!
service snmpd restart
We're not out of the woods yet! Make sure you check on the Firewall to allow Incoming UDP on Port 161! Simply for tutorial's sake, here's the IPtables for it:
Congrats! You've setup SNMP properly on the client server! Time to have Observium monitor it.
Go into Observium's web interface (http://<Observium Server IP>). Login, and from the navigations go Devices -> Add Device.
Enter the information you've configured SNMP to listen for (in this case, my sample configuration):
Press "Add Device" and then wait for the next cron to run.
Congratulations! You've added a server to your Observium installation! Now wait for data collection to occur!
Here's a sample of one of my utility server (BuyVM VPS).
[SIZE= 24px]What Else?[/SIZE]
So that's the tutorial for the vanilla Observium installation. However, I personally recommend these minor changes to help with your use of Observium.
[SIZE= 18px]Timeout Configuration[/SIZE]
Observium was originally created for ISPs and to monitor networks, not servers. Therefore, vanilla Observium has almost no tolerance for even the smallest network blip (such as a single packet not making it to the destination). So to help with that, we're going to add a few extra lines to the config file.
Open up the configuration file:
nano /opt/observium/config.php
Add the following to the end of the configuration file:
The descriptions are pretty straight forward. With this configuration, Observium will now continually retry polling the server until a predetermined number of times before considering it "down". This is especially helpful if you have set Observium to email you during server downtimes (Note: You can enable this by editing the config.php file and installing sendmail or configuring smiliar mail services on the server).
[SIZE= 18px]External Application Integration - Collectd[/SIZE]
So Observium is pretty awesome that it can also integrate with External Applications such as smokeping, RANCID, syslog, etc. For this tutorial I'm simply going to address Collectd, but a full list is available here. Please note the application monitoring section (such as monitoring Apache, nginx, MySQL, etc.) of Observium requires the Unix Agent which, again, is not covered in this tutorial (but maybe in the future).
Collectd is "a daemon which collects system performance statistics periodically and provides mechanisms to store the values in a variety of ways, for example in RRD files." To be perfectly honest, it's very similar to the data collected by the SNMP poller, however Collectd comes with numerous plugins you can also monitor (and therefore monitor with Observium). Pretty awesome and keeps your life simpler.
There's two parts to Collectd that we have to consider for Observium. The server and the client. Let's begin with the Server.
[SIZE= 14px]Collectd Server[/SIZE]
For the server, install collectd:
For CentOS and RHEL:
Collectd is unavailable in RHEL and CentOS repositories, therefore you can either download the collectd RPM from collectd's website or build from the source package. Building from source or downloading the RPM and installing from collectd's website is outside the scope of this tutorial. However there are resources available online that can help you with installing collectd on CentOS and RHEL servers.
For Debian and Ubuntu:
apt-get install collectd
Once you have collectd installed, edit the collectd configuration file at /etc/collectd/collectd.conf.
Configure that file in any way you see fit, however make sure hostname and the network plugin is loaded. Observium watches for the hostname when determining if the server has collectd enabled:
Restart the collectd service:
Now we're going to have to edit Observium's configuration file to tell it where collectd has the RRD files. First, open config.php:
Add the following configuration argument:
That's it! The collectd tab should automatically appear for any servers that collectd is receiving the graphs for (assuming the hostnames match).
[SIZE= 14px]Collectd Client[/SIZE]
The client and the server are very similar. The only major difference is the network plugin configuration.
For CentOS and RHEL:
Collectd is unavailable in RHEL and CentOS repositories, therefore you can either download the collectd RPM from collectd's website or build from the source package. Building from source or downloading the RPM and installing from collectd's website is outside the scope of this tutorial. However there are resources available online that can help you with installing collectd on CentOS and RHEL servers.
For Debian and Ubuntu:
apt-get install collectd
Once you have collectd installed, edit the collectd configuration file at /etc/collectd/collectd.conf.
Configure that file in any way you see fit, however make sure hostname and the network plugin is loaded. Observium watches for the hostname when determining if the server has collectd enabled:
The IP ( is the IP of the Observium Server, not the IP of the server being monitored!
Restart the collectd service:
service collectd restartThat's it! The collectd tab should automatically appear for any servers that collectd is receiving the graphs for (assuming the hostnames match).
[SIZE= 24px]Final Thoughts[/SIZE]
Hope you've enjoyed this giant crash-course on Observium! It doesn't cover everything about it but it covers majority of it. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to reply. If I don't get to them then I'm sure someone else will come along to help! If you have any awesome changes to your Observium installation feel free to let us know here!
All those alternatives are fantastic. I could talk about the key benefits of every single monitoring software. However, for this tutorial we'll be jumping into something more general: Observium. Observium is "an autodiscovering network monitoring platform supporting a wide range of hardware platforms and operating systems..." While Observium's main focus is network monitoring, it also includes some hardware monitoring components available making it a pretty well-rounded monitoring platform.
If you're already an Observium veteran, then fantastic! At the very bottom I'll be including some minor changes to the configs and additional modules I'm using in addition to Observium. Feel free to take a gander if you wish.
Before we start, shoutout to @mitgib for getting me started on this several years ago when I was first fiddling around with monitoring systems! You're the man!
The contents of this tutorial will be broken down into multiple posts due to certain limitations. We'll start with setting up the Observium server, setting up the Observium client, then end with minor tweaks and additional modules available. However, this tutorial will not touch upon the Unix Agent since... ehh... I think it's incredibly finicky and there's not a whole lot of documentation available. The instructions for the Observium Server is also available here on Observium's Wiki.
[SIZE= 24px]Observium Server[/SIZE]
Jumping right in, we're going to be install Observium on a Debian 7 server. This is because Observium is actually developed on Ubuntu and Debian systems. However, RHEL and CentOS instructions are available here for those of you who are interested, and for the monitoring portion we'll include instructions on how to monitor RHEL and CentOS Servers. Just note Observium doesn't provide assistance on RHEL/CentOS or any other installations that aren't Ubuntu or Debian. For the purpose of this tutorial, we're going to assume you're running as the root user (because permission and whatnot).
Begin by running:
apt-get update
While it may sound trivial, you want to download the latest package lists from the repositories. Anyways now install the packages required to run Observium:
apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 php5-cli php5-mysql php5-gd php5-mcrypt php5-json php-pear snmp fping mysql-server mysql-client python-mysqldb rrdtool subversion whois mtr-tiny ipmitool graphviz imagemagick
Create the directory Observium is going to operate out of:
mkdir -p /opt/observium && cd /opt
For the purpose of this tutorial, we're going to be using the Community/Open Source Edition of Observium. Download and unpack it.
tar zxvf observium-community-latest.tar.gz
cd observium
mysql -u root -p
Now exit the MySQL Shell by typing:
Now we'll find ourselves back in Bash and in /opt/observium folder. Lets copy the default configuration and edit it for our system.
cp config.php.default config.php
nano config.php
Let's setup the default schema for the MySQL Database:
php includes/update/update.php
We're going to create the directory Observium will store it's logs. In addition, we'll also be creating the directory to store the RRD data files as well as modify the permissions:
mkdir logs
mkdir rrd
chown www-data:www-data rrd
nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/default
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
DocumentRoot /opt/observium/html
<Directory />
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
<Directory /opt/observium/html/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
allow from all
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
LogLevel warn
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
ServerSignature On
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
DocumentRoot /opt/observium/html
<Directory />
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
<Directory /opt/observium/html/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
LogLevel warn
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
ServerSignature On
With the apache2 config files edited, we're going to enable a few modules. Enable the PHP mcrypt module:
php5enmod mcrypt
Now enable the Apache module rewrite to "prettify" Observium's URLs:
a2enmod rewrite
apache2ctl restart
cd /opt/observium
./adduser.php <username> <password> 10
nano /etc/cron.d/observium
33 */6 * * * root /opt/observium/discovery.php -h all >> /dev/null 2>&1
*/5 * * * * root /opt/observium/discovery.php -h new >> /dev/null 2>&1
*/5 * * * * root /opt/observium/ 2 >> /dev/null 2>&1
Great! You've installed Observium Server! Now point your browser to http://<Server IP> and be on your way!
[SIZE= 24px]Observium Client[/SIZE]
Observium mainly utilizes two types of pollers, SNMP and the Unix Agent. Only SNMP will be covered in this tutorial. The Unix Agent can/will be featured in a future post, or someone else can do it who knows.
This tutorial will help you install and configure SNMP for CentOS, RHEL, Debian, and Ubuntu servers. This tutorial will not help you configure SNMP for Windows Server or other clients, however there are resources available to help you with that.
To start, install the SNMPD package:
For CentOS and RHEL:
yum install net-snmp net-snmp-libs net-snmp-utils
For Debian and Ubuntu:
apt-get install snmpd
echo "" > /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
nano /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
syslocation LOCATION
syscontact [email protected]
rocommunity vpsBoard
syslocation Dallas, Texas, United States
syscontact [email protected]
With the SNMPd configurations done, we have to restart the service!
service snmpd restart
We're not out of the woods yet! Make sure you check on the Firewall to allow Incoming UDP on Port 161! Simply for tutorial's sake, here's the IPtables for it:
iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 161 -j ACCEPT
Go into Observium's web interface (http://<Observium Server IP>). Login, and from the navigations go Devices -> Add Device.

Enter the information you've configured SNMP to listen for (in this case, my sample configuration):

Press "Add Device" and then wait for the next cron to run.
Congratulations! You've added a server to your Observium installation! Now wait for data collection to occur!
Here's a sample of one of my utility server (BuyVM VPS).

[SIZE= 24px]What Else?[/SIZE]
So that's the tutorial for the vanilla Observium installation. However, I personally recommend these minor changes to help with your use of Observium.
[SIZE= 18px]Timeout Configuration[/SIZE]
Observium was originally created for ISPs and to monitor networks, not servers. Therefore, vanilla Observium has almost no tolerance for even the smallest network blip (such as a single packet not making it to the destination). So to help with that, we're going to add a few extra lines to the config file.
Open up the configuration file:
nano /opt/observium/config.php
Add the following to the end of the configuration file:
// Timeout Config
$config['snmp']['timeout'] = 20; // timeout in seconds
$config['snmp']['retries'] = 5; // how many times to retry the query
$config['ping']['retries'] = 10; // How many times to retry ping
$config['ping']['timeout'] = 1500; // Timeout in milliseconds
[SIZE= 18px]External Application Integration - Collectd[/SIZE]
So Observium is pretty awesome that it can also integrate with External Applications such as smokeping, RANCID, syslog, etc. For this tutorial I'm simply going to address Collectd, but a full list is available here. Please note the application monitoring section (such as monitoring Apache, nginx, MySQL, etc.) of Observium requires the Unix Agent which, again, is not covered in this tutorial (but maybe in the future).
Collectd is "a daemon which collects system performance statistics periodically and provides mechanisms to store the values in a variety of ways, for example in RRD files." To be perfectly honest, it's very similar to the data collected by the SNMP poller, however Collectd comes with numerous plugins you can also monitor (and therefore monitor with Observium). Pretty awesome and keeps your life simpler.
There's two parts to Collectd that we have to consider for Observium. The server and the client. Let's begin with the Server.
[SIZE= 14px]Collectd Server[/SIZE]
For the server, install collectd:
For CentOS and RHEL:
Collectd is unavailable in RHEL and CentOS repositories, therefore you can either download the collectd RPM from collectd's website or build from the source package. Building from source or downloading the RPM and installing from collectd's website is outside the scope of this tutorial. However there are resources available online that can help you with installing collectd on CentOS and RHEL servers.
For Debian and Ubuntu:
apt-get install collectd
Once you have collectd installed, edit the collectd configuration file at /etc/collectd/collectd.conf.
nano /etc/collectd/collectd.conf
Hostname "observium.tutorial.vpsboard"
LoadPlugin network
<Plugin network>
Listen "" "25826"
service collectd restart
nano /opt/observium/config.php
$config['collectd_dir'] = "/mnt/rrdcached/db/collectd/";
[SIZE= 14px]Collectd Client[/SIZE]
The client and the server are very similar. The only major difference is the network plugin configuration.
For CentOS and RHEL:
Collectd is unavailable in RHEL and CentOS repositories, therefore you can either download the collectd RPM from collectd's website or build from the source package. Building from source or downloading the RPM and installing from collectd's website is outside the scope of this tutorial. However there are resources available online that can help you with installing collectd on CentOS and RHEL servers.
For Debian and Ubuntu:
apt-get install collectd
Once you have collectd installed, edit the collectd configuration file at /etc/collectd/collectd.conf.
nano /etc/collectd/collectd.conf
Hostname "observium.tutorial.vpsboard"
LoadPlugin network
<Plugin network>
Listen "" "25826"
Restart the collectd service:
service collectd restartThat's it! The collectd tab should automatically appear for any servers that collectd is receiving the graphs for (assuming the hostnames match).
[SIZE= 24px]Final Thoughts[/SIZE]
Hope you've enjoyed this giant crash-course on Observium! It doesn't cover everything about it but it covers majority of it. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to reply. If I don't get to them then I'm sure someone else will come along to help! If you have any awesome changes to your Observium installation feel free to let us know here!
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