Ah, yes. That does seem rather expensive but I suppose the premium is for the load balancing, automatically moving VMs from a failed host, management of the hosts (not the VMs) etc. I have not idea how much of premium that is worth.
... I was thinking of the so-called dedicated cloud where you seem to get two midrange dedicated servers for around $500 a month, with the ability to split them into VM's. I don't remember the exact offering but it was pretty unattractive.
OVH Private Cloud is powered by VMWARE.
The Private Cloud is a unique solution on the market providing the scalability of the Cloud on a 100% dedicated hardware infrastructure. The virtualization of your infrastructure is done using VMware technology and is fully managed by OVH.
All you need to do now is create unlimited VMs using the vSphere interface!
OVH Dedicated Cloud

vCenter + vSphere as a service
Enterprise Plus Licence included
AMD Hosts
Up to 2,000 VxLANs (inter VM)
DC Starter Pack
- 2 x AMD Opteron 4386 32 GB RAM
- 2 x Datastores 300 GB NFS
- Center + vSphere
- Licence Enterprise Plus included
- $573.00/month
OVH SDDC - Software Defined Datacenter

A Software Defined Datacenter pack is comprised of at least 2 INTEL Hosts + 2 datastores or 2 VSAN hosts (soon), and of 4,000 vLAN to deploy your private networks.
Create an unlimited number of VMs and your own network services from the VMware® vSphere hypervisor and NSX.
Resize your infrastructure at any time by adding and deleting resources.
Software Defined Storage, VSAN - VSAN All Flash (SSD) Hosts for extreme performance, configured in RAID. Intel Hosts and NFS datastores also available.
Software Defined Computing , vCenter included - vSphere + Licence Enterprise Plus included to create and manage an unlimited number of VMs on fully dedicated hosts. .
Software Defined Network , NSX included - Firewall, load balancer, security rules… all these features are available from your vSphere.
SDDC Start Pack
- 2 x Xeon E5-1620v2 32 GB RAM
- 2 x Datastores 300 GB NFS
- vCenter + vSphere
- Licence Enterprise Plus included
- NSX included
- $777.00/month
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