Pet peeves:
1. Providers who can't or won't spell GUARANTEE correctly. One provider has made a long running joke about that, that's the exception to the peeve
2. Folks who make up words due to their lack of knowledge. Ditto for made up spellings of names because your parent(s) was/were umm, stupid.
3. Providers who are coy about disclosing details of where they offering services from, the upstreams, etc. That one idiot recently acting like requesting this type of info is an insult against his family.
4. Warranty, guarantee, etc. inflation. 99.999% uptime is a good example. No end provider, four levels deep can guarantee much of anything. Especially where you are a small commit to a facility and peanuts on the accounting ledger.
5. Braggadocios claims about gigabit port speed connectivity, when in reality, the network they are on and collision with others means you'd still be faster on a 100 speed connected server.
6. Speed tests that indicate lack of speed.
7. Shared environments without native enabled FUSE support.
8. Farmers who know nothing or aren't saying anything about their seeds, growing practice, poisons sprayed on crops, etc.
9. Broke people who continue to smoke, drink and otherwise waste their hard earned income. I know drunks that would be well off if they'd "home brew". Ditto for smokers who need to roll their own cigs ($13+ a pack for corporate tobacco in some states).
10. Tether heads unaware that the world exists outside of their phone and/or tablet. I like to play frogger with them out on the roads. Especially when biking quietly, ala ninja mode. Boo!
11. Giant human cattle slowly migrating around retail stores. Moooove!
12. Folks that blame being fat on everything other than their lack of proper nutrition, exercise, etc. I have a diet for them, the big old fortified wheat bellies, fermentation vessels they are. Stop eating anything your grandparents wouldn't recognize and eat as a start. Throw out the couch. No food anywhere except at a dinner table with other collaborators of obesity.
13. "Normal" folks that think every time you have a sniffle it mandates a trip to the doctor. Drugged up wimps. Obamacare.
14. "Normal" folks that think every major dealing in life requires paying for limited liability insurance (i.e. driving, renters/homeowners, health, life, etc.). Limited liability means you are NOT liable. Insurance companies pay less often and skim massively, as the payout amount goes up. $100k claim from auto accident? 9% payout chance. This is in an industry with over 80% profit on income. Ho hum. Never mind the government mandates that force us unconstitutionally to enter into commercial contracts like that.
15. People that bother free willed and independent people who spend their time forging their own path through the wilderness.
16. People that think the government is capable of doing right and/or saving anyone from anything. Gov has become akin to religion for many, a one for one replacement. Worship at their combat boots.
17. Housing codes and zoning codes. Land use policies that infringe upon personal property rights. I own it. I toiled. GTFO!
18. US citizens that believe we have a democracy and are supposed to have a DEMOCRACY. It's a REPUBLIC folks.
19. Idiot local taxpayers that vehemently defend the local schools as being "good". Vast majority of major mixed income towns have horrible schools at enormous expense to the taxpayer. Basic literacy seems unattainable in these union operated zoos after 17,280+ hours of instruction (grades 1-12). Don't they realize that if you spend 2000 hours doing anything you can achieve expert status. By my math, students should be experts in at least SEVEN different things.
20. Monopolies.