BTC sure has some wild fluctuations, it's a shame SR is gone but I guess it was only a matter of time. The article is interesting, paying someone to kill someone via BTC? That's got to be a new one even for the FBI. Although this guy wasn't perfect about covering his tracks it still shows if they want you they're going to get you no matter how hard you try. I feel like a lot of these charges would be hard to prove without hard physical evidence but I'm sure he's going to jail for awhile.
So now the well educated, well funded junkies will have to go back to the streets in order to cop, the government managed to put the violence and crime back into illegal drugs, a great victory

Moral of the story is that if you want drugs buy them on the streets with cash.
He must have made quite a bit of money if he was willing to pay $150k for a hit on someone. That's the problem with internet hitmen, it never works out... Stick to your local mafioso if you want the job done right!
They didn't really say how they were able to access the server and I don't really understand how the guy who was trying to blackmail him got his information either..