
So, let's clear the air...


New Member
I don't know who said what last, but from my cat perch there was never any official paperwork entered into (do believe Duke said this in video).

No contract or legal anything can be done directly to Jonny or with Jonny since he is NOT entering into agreements. All purchases via CC should have been done in the Greenvalue incorporation of Illinois name.  I don't recall Jonny's name being on the formation documents of that legal entity.

All applies to CC also really.  Can't go springing $4-8k debt on some 17 year old schoolboy at random.  He has some capacity as an "employee" but at end of day liability and shoe drops on the incorporated entity and the listed agents at most.
Basically what I'm reading here; Is Duke negotiated a company take over with a person whom is not of legal age to enter or negotiate a contract, nor is his name legally bound to any of the companies assets or documents. I find this entire take-over to be completely ignorant. Who technically owns this company? Is it Lance Jesserun or whatever name he goes by now days? He's the only name I can find for the company. This personally sounds to me (Though I still lack knowledge on this situation in general) that the company take-over was negotiated with the incorrect person, and Duke failed to obtain proper paperwork before proceeding. I've been following the XFS/GVH thing off and on since the beginning, and I wanted to believe Duke was doing a noble thing, but after watching that video, and reading his replies in this thread, I can only logically put him in the same boat as Jonny himself.

It'd be nice if we were able to obtain some clarification on how this take over took place, my assumptions are baseless but I'm going to go on a limb and assume zero legal paper work was involved, and it was negotiated in a Skype conversation (Just based on the serious inconsistencies I've seen so far).

This entire situation doesn't make any sense to me. 


Active Member
OT, apparently the CloudCommando thing was a joke.

Edit: just saw someone started another here about it, please disregard this post.
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100% Tier-1 Gogent
Basically what I'm reading here; Is Duke negotiated a company take over with a person whom is not of legal age to enter or negotiate a contract, nor is his name legally bound to any of the companies assets or documents. I find this entire take-over to be completely ignorant. Who technically owns this company? Is it Lance Jesserun or whatever name he goes by now days? He's the only name I can find for the company. This personally sounds to me (Though I still lack knowledge on this situation in general) that the company take-over was negotiated with the incorrect person, and Duke failed to obtain proper paperwork before proceeding. I've been following the XFS/GVH thing off and on since the beginning, and I wanted to believe Duke was doing a noble thing, but after watching that video, and reading his replies in this thread, I can only logically put him in the same boat as Jonny himself.
I wouldn't be so quick to dump Duke in the same pile as Jonny.   Since Duke took things off, customer wise, public aside from these non customer threads, there haven't been regular complaints and hate threads.   There have been some dropped customers, cut plans, etc.  but very little noise or escalation.  Contrast that to GVH+Jonny who couldn't go more than a few days without a customer hate thread.

The Lance Jessurun situation continues to confuse folks and honestly, just a matter of time before that fellow gets slapped in real life for actions of company in his name.  I don't doubt that such already probably has hit his credit report and other systems negatively.

Lance (who I jokingly call Lancer the Friendly Ghost) is someone that does exist, but NO ONE has interacted with except Jonny.  His material involvement in GVH matters is approaching ZERO.

I'll repeat for sake of history class, that GVH months ago at Jonny's request was looking to bail.  He contacted me about trying to find someone to purchase the VPS customers (they total thousands of containers).  After looking around, asking folks and getting laughed at, it was clear, as has been past year that no one wants VPS customers period - NOT EVEN FREE IN MANY INSTANCES.

Stuck with the load of VPS customers, the support, billing, bad behavior on nodes, etc. and coupled with lack of humans to work such, GVH went into a spiral of sorts.  Bills were ran up as GVH tried to under "leadership" of that genius Eric Walstrom (later shown to be a 17 year old hacker) tried to offer viable prices.  With the Eric situation, less workers and probably interest as bills mounted under a phase of trying to offer more financially sustainable offers (in reality said offers weren't much better and reduced sales interest was just GVH hitting market cap limits on susceptible people who would buy from that brand).

Back then Duke got involved in the concept of taking things over - initially was about the VPS customers since he had experience there and that asset pool on paper was viable although then not profitable as-was.

There was some dancing about GVH, value, what someone should pay for acquiring, who should be paid, if Jonny's parents should be made liable via a deal, Lance tied in, etc.  Lots of wasted time and friction, no deal in official capacity done.

Obviously still was that mounting pile of debt to CC/HVH that wouldn't and shouldn't disappear just cause someone transferred assets or bailed.

Universal concern of all, thousands of customers who if things went or still go south that will be yelling and screaming.  Customers showing up to yell in forums would be real drama we haven't seen in eons on a company.  It would ding GVH, Xfuse/TacVPS, HVH, CC, etc.  

So logically, the debts owed to vendors above are best trying to be managed and slow to push matters by them.   No one wants that influx of stress and work suddenly.  That's stage things are still in, although debts being due aren't patience and virtues, they have limits.  Those limits are why you saw Jonny thinking coming back to offering VPS was a good thing ---> to make money to in part pay down prior debt.  Those limits were pushed by someone in CC land who seeded this mess.   Unsure what chief Buylow was thinking.  Outcome = effective as it got Jonny booted from LET again.  Maybe that was the intent big picture, hell if I know on that one.
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New Member
Thanks for the clarification; I don't dispute the effectiveness of if Duke has made improvements on the customer relations side of the paper. Though, his conduct is purely unprofessional from my point of view (Perhaps I'm expecting too much from the companies in this sector). I respect Duke for making a video to address a small portion of what we can now call a "Hot Topic", though the video seemed more like a commercial than not (Although, it may not have been his intent). 

I still have reservations on the legality of this "Take Over" or whatever we are now calling it. Proper channels may have been met during the process, I don't really know and only Duke will be able to clarify this. Not only do I find this to be a silly business encounter, I also do feel some sort of sympathy for Biloh and his crew in this situation as it seems they were extending a helping hand in this case, because we're all aware that they could have simply cut the cord and resold that gear elsewhere and eventually recouped their losses rather than risk incurring additional loss by further entertaining Jonny's antics. 

i suppose I'll sit back with a cup and tea and see how this situation unfolds, I'm not unsympathetic to Duke's situation and I hope everything works out for him, but I simply do not see anything to support the fact that this take over was legal in the first place, though given the players involved (A "Ghost"; A 17 year old with  no business sense or direction, and another 17 year old who likes to boost his grades) I don't think I would be concerned if I were Duke anyways. 
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100% Tier-1 Gogent
Thanks for the clarification; I don't dispute the effectiveness of if Duke has made improvements on the customer relations side of the paper. Though, his conduct is purely unprofessional from my point of view (Perhaps I'm expecting too much from the companies in this sector). I respect Duke for making a video to address a small portion of what we can now call a "Hot Topic", though the video seemed more like a commercial than not (Although, it may not have been his intent). 

I still have reservations on the legality of this "Take Over" or whatever we are now calling it. Proper channels may have been met during the process, I don't really know and only Duke will be able to clarify this. Not only do I find this to be a silly business encounter, I also do feel some sort of sympathy for Biloh and his crew in this situation as it seems they were extending a helping hand in this case, because we're all aware that they could have simply cut the cord and resold that gear elsewhere and eventually recouped their losses rather than risk incurring additional loss by further entertaining Jonny's antics. 

i suppose I'll sit back with a cup and tea and see how this situation unfolds, I'm not unsympathetic to Duke's situation and I hope everything works out for him, but I simply do not see anything to support the fact that this take over was legal in the first place, though given the players involved (A "Ghost"; A 17 year old with  no business sense or direction, and another 17 year old who likes to boost his grades) I don't think I would be concerned if I were Duke anyways. 
Little Duke can do to muzzle Jonny's mouth.  That's 99% of the problems.

Legally possession is 9/10ths of the law.  So long as Lance doesn't come bark little standing of other folks to divide things at this point... Plus, show me some folks around here that want to and actually do some work.  Acquire/take legally wrastle the assets = work.  Boo! scary.

Yeah I feel for CC also, which is messed up saying it again.  They offer goods for sale and expect to be paid.  Simple system.   They don't want drowned with a gazillion inbounds from GVH dumped customers, should that ever happen. 

But being benevolent and all has limits.  CC cares about dedicated server sales and not losing a large number of those in 1 billing period.   Customer dropping hundreds of servers wouldn't be good.  So that weighs on leverage scale.

Jonny would be good to focus on real life, his grades, being a schoolboy,  chasing girls, playing ball games, that sort of stuff.

I go back to some infamous threads I've posted like the one on CHILD LABOR and even such when self imposed.  Remains troubling to me that companies sell to minors and engage in partner / vendor relationships with such.  Legality of such is clearly borderline.  Whole topic then was inspired by GVH.

Unsure what drives schoolboys to ruin their life and health playing bad businessman.  I could understand some kid in 3rd world poverty.  But we see so much of it in industrialized countries where kids are coddled and parents are living well in strong middle class economic showing.  Parents need to tend to their offspring better.


Dormant VPSB Pathogen
  Lots of wasted time and friction, no deal in official capacity done.
Legally possession is 9/10ths of the law.  So long as Lance doesn't come bark little standing of other folks to divide things at this point... Plus, show me some folks around here that want to and actually do some work.  Acquire/take legally wrastle the assets = work.  Boo! scary.
I hope there was something signed because if there were no papers signed / formal terms of sale /sales contract then everyone involved is insane and should go get a counter job at MickeyD's instead of trying to run a business.. 

There are also tax implications for GVH Inc in transferring/selling some of its assets (like customers) to another company (even if no cash was involved) and not having any paperwork for the sale would make an audit even more painful.  Of course, given the complete ignorance of tax law (i.e. IRS definition of employee) GVH has shown in the past, I doubt if the tax implications of this asset sale/"donation" were even considered when the deal was being discussed.


100% Tier-1 Gogent
There are also tax implications for GVH Inc in transferring/selling some of its assets (like customers) to another company (even if no cash was involved) and not having any paperwork for the sale would make an audit even more painful.  Of course, given the complete ignorance of tax law (i.e. IRS definition of employee) GVH has shown in the past, I doubt if the tax implications of this asset sale/"donation" were even considered when the deal was being discussed.
While I agree with this in theory, practical IRS application and auditing is random at best.  Lots of firms run entirely fictitious numbers backfilled by their account/tax pro.   It's rather common that two don't jive and to us micro-analyzing such is miles apart (truth vs. fiction).

It's a good discussion and comedy I suspect come tax time in GVH land.

For reporting, one would assume GVH was always slim to showing a loss and such is tolerated for years on end and results in little tax liability big picture.  A giveaway or loss of clients is accounting wise just another deduction perhaps.  Doubt anyone would consider the pool of biz gone a true asset of any value.  I never view customers as a cash value.  Lots of folks do for selling assets but big picture, what good are prepaid customers to the acquirer?  Even pay later monthly and quarterly hangons aren't quickly offsetting the debt load.  At best I'd call the assets neutral and that's being really kind. 


Dormant VPSB Pathogen
A giveaway or loss of clients is accounting wise just another deduction perhaps.  Doubt anyone would consider the pool of biz gone a true asset of any value.
Under IAS38 a customer list database is considered an intangible asset, and the value of that list would be the value of future cash flows obtainable by using the list (which is a very subjective measure...kind of like deciding the value by throwing a dart at a dartboard).

If GVH filed for bankruptcy the court would roast them over the fire for giving away the company's only real asset at a time it knew its business was basically f**ked.


100% Tier-1 Gogent
... but GVH didn't give company real asset away.  Clearly counter balanced any value by the outstanding debt then.  They gave away both the subjective asset and the non negotiable debt.   That's why this past week's insanity of him owing debt and offering VPS again was so WTF'ish.

Doesn't take much debt or getting behind in the totally retarded cheap price income bracket and where you are spending per month outrageously.  Reason #1 why I laugh at vast majority of companies who go blow up a VPS company on rental boxes.  It can work if you do your basic math pricing and stick to it, but something needs to be said about not being able to afford the invest for gear probably means the biz time isn't right.


100% Tier-1 Gogent
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Active Member


100% Tier-1 Gogent
April is.... National Autism Awareness Month...


Someone report this for being mean.


Dormant VPSB Pathogen
I figured it all out now:
You figured out that nothing has changed ? I'm going to copy this from the LET Cest Pit to show nothing has changed in the level of customer support with the relaunch of the "new GVH":

Lol, GreenValueHost support is still sh*t.. Just asking about some features on their reseller hosting, pure out of interest. Questions like what webserver they use (Apache/Litespeed) and what the node specs are, response:
Thank you for your interest in our hosting services however unfortunately at this time we are not interested in your business.

We expect our hosting clients to have a basic understanding of the service that they are purchasing and as you don't seem to have that, we cannot serve you.

Best of luck.


Jon Nguyen || Operations Management
Green Value Hosting, Inc.

And they even deleted my client account XD

...and then Jonny goes and violates privacy by posting customer support tickets on Skype for his buddies to see:


Back to the "clear the air topic" topic, let's hope the new TACvps started by Duke doesn't encounter the same fate that the old TACvps started by XFuse-cofounder Brian encountered 4 years ago, and that if it does it gives more notice of a shutdown then the old deadpooled TACVPS gave its clients...

We regret to inform you that TacVPS is officially closing its doors effective Friday, 8/19/2011. It is really unfortunate to see the things we planned out for many years ahead to not work out, however it is something we need to do which will benefit our customers and us in the long run. As a result, we will no longer be accepting orders and existing services/clients will need to migrate away to a new hosting provider.

With that being said, VPS hosting clients until Friday 8/19/2011 to grab your data and migrate to a new provider. If you have paid for this month ahead already, please contact us by submitting a ticket for a prorated refund within 48 hours.

Dedicated server clients: You have until the end of your due date to keep your server. Be noted your dedicated server will automatically be shut down the day the due date comes, so be sure to have all of your data backed up and migrated to a new provider before your next due date.

Thanks for your understanding and co-operation. It was a pleasure working with you and we would like to thank you for being such a loyal customer to us. Have a good day and best of luck for the future.


The TacVPS Team
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Dormant VPSB Pathogen

The main thing I noticed about that is:


That indicates CPanel doesn't it?  What the F is it with all of these "webhosts" who  need to install crapware like CPanel to manage their website/WHMCS because they don't know how to manually setup a website? (and this applies to many hostinabox VPS hosts, not just GVH).
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XFuse Solutions, LLC
Verified Provider
You figured out that nothing has changed ? I'm going to copy this from the LH":

...and then Jonny goes and violates privacy by posting customer support tickets on Skype for his buddies to see:


Back to the "clear the air topic" topic, let's hope the new TACvps started by Duke doesn't encounter the same fate that the old TACvps started by XFuse-cofounder Brian encountered 4 years ago, and that if it does it gives more notice of a shutdown then the old deadpooled TACVPS gave its clients...
Are you done yet? I still don't understand why you have a hard on for my business or my business dealings. They do not affect you and they will likely never affect you. TacVPS was a previous brand and I don't really remember the specifics of it prior to Brian and I starting XFuse. What TacVPS had happen in the past is whatever. The future is all that matters. XFuse Solutions, LLC has been in business for a few years now with no plans on deadpooling. If you think so, then you're just as stupid as you insisting upon talking in these threads about me. None of this affects you. None of this will ever affect you unless you decide to buy services from me. I'm not really sure what your issue is, but I would really hope that someday soon you develop a life and stick your nose out of my business. You've been told whats going on and everything else. Instead of acting like an adult and letting things go, you continue to post on here with negative comments. I'm curious, does what I do really bother you that much? What can I do to resolve it? If I cannot resolve it, then go on about your business anyway. 

What I'm curious about as well is what do you do? Do you have a business? Are you 12? Are you still in school? Do you run a summer host? Do you wish that you could get into the hosting industry and actually make money at it? Just those few questions that I am curious about. One last one though, do you have an actual life other than spewing your crap online about another persons business that doesn't affect you at all?
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100% Tier-1 Gogent
The main thing I noticed about that is:


That indicates CPanel doesn't it?  What the F is it with all of these "webhosts" who  need to install crapware like CPanel because they don't know how to manually setup a website? (and this applies to many hostinabox VPS hosts, not just GVH).
Someone must be selling host-in-a-box legitimately.


XFuse Solutions, LLC
Verified Provider
The main thing I noticed about that is:


That indicates CPanel doesn't it?  What the F is it with all of these "webhosts" who  need to install crapware like CPanel to manage their website/WHMCS because they don't know how to manually setup a website? (and this applies to many hostinabox VPS hosts, not just GVH).
I believe it's just for ease of use. I run a ton of cPanel boxes for websites. I setup a few basic servers and didn't really like them, lol. I am lazy sometimes though so I guess that explains it. I have OS templates setup with cPanel installed and configured so that I just install and go. 