100% Tier-1 Gogent
Non-providers and those that do not use SolusVM seem to be wondering what is in the SolusVM database.
Here is a list of the tables in their database. Can expand upon specific tables and providers can discuss the data arrangement in further details.
Customers have a right to know what data is leaked/recorded. Please keep the thread on topic and ask questions so you are informed as a customer.
This is taken from the most recent CVPS SolusVM dump:
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_june |
| adminacl |
| administrators |
| adminlog |
| adminnotes |
| adminwhitelist |
| api |
| apilog |
| authenticationlog |
| backupservers |
| bandwidthstatistics |
| buycpanel |
| centralbackup |
| clientapi |
| clientlog |
| clients |
| configuration |
| consolesessions |
| crontab |
| customemailtemplates |
| dnsplans |
| dnsservergroups |
| dnsservers |
| emailtemplates |
| ftpservers |
| hvmtemplates |
| ipaddresses |
| ipblocknodes |
| ipblocks |
| ipv6 |
| isos |
| keymaps |
| kvmdata |
| kvmtemplates |
| license |
| links |
| mediagroups |
| mediasync |
| nodegroups |
| nodes |
| pdns |
| plans |
| s_bandwidth |
| secondaryhdd |
| smslog |
| syscheck |
| systemmessages |
| templates |
| version |
| vservers |
| vzdata |
| xendata |
52 rows in set (0.04 sec)
Here is a list of the tables in their database. Can expand upon specific tables and providers can discuss the data arrangement in further details.
Customers have a right to know what data is leaked/recorded. Please keep the thread on topic and ask questions so you are informed as a customer.
This is taken from the most recent CVPS SolusVM dump:
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_june |
| adminacl |
| administrators |
| adminlog |
| adminnotes |
| adminwhitelist |
| api |
| apilog |
| authenticationlog |
| backupservers |
| bandwidthstatistics |
| buycpanel |
| centralbackup |
| clientapi |
| clientlog |
| clients |
| configuration |
| consolesessions |
| crontab |
| customemailtemplates |
| dnsplans |
| dnsservergroups |
| dnsservers |
| emailtemplates |
| ftpservers |
| hvmtemplates |
| ipaddresses |
| ipblocknodes |
| ipblocks |
| ipv6 |
| isos |
| keymaps |
| kvmdata |
| kvmtemplates |
| license |
| links |
| mediagroups |
| mediasync |
| nodegroups |
| nodes |
| pdns |
| plans |
| s_bandwidth |
| secondaryhdd |
| smslog |
| syscheck |
| systemmessages |
| templates |
| version |
| vservers |
| vzdata |
| xendata |
52 rows in set (0.04 sec)