Wow thanks for answering those questions! Sorry to be "that guy" but I'd like to follow up with a bit more questions if you don't mind 
while also not hampering it's performance 
I was actually never aware Solus was looking for a buyer, but if you don't mind me asking, why was Solus on sale?
Would Solus now make Pocket Lamps to send to their clients?
Was there a report made on this (the audit)? Is it available online? Can we take a look at the report?Actually, one was just performed not long ago, and our own guys of course are going trough it now in detail.
Really excited about this actually. I've seen screenshots of OnApp's client-side interface and it looks interesting and more appealing that's for sure. Hopefully you guys can bring some of that nice eye candy into SolusWe do have plans to make the UI/UX better, thats one of the things we are passionate about here at OnApp, good UI/UX
So... from my understanding the current Solus team is basically an extension of the OnApp team now right? If so, then what will the team's relationship with the OnApp company be? Would OnApp perform more as an "advising" role (aka Solus continues to operate the same way it has always done except now have additional resources available in terms of even more skilled coders, designers, hardware resources, etc.), or would OnApp take on a more direct approach and actually integrate their own management into Solus?No, we don't see it that way, these will remain two separate software packages with their own target audiences.
I was actually never aware Solus was looking for a buyer, but if you don't mind me asking, why was Solus on sale?
Would Solus now make Pocket Lamps to send to their clients?