Hello everyone,
To continue my thread from LET, Stallion 2 is our new control panel that will not only replace our VPS controls, but in time replace WHMCS.
Some key features on the way:
- Affordable hosted load balancers
- Anycast IP addresses with IP routing (so you don't 'have' to buy VM's in each location)
- Proper /64 allocations (will likely be available right after the initial release)
- Full merging of billing/support rolls into the panel. This will keep things really straight forward for users to signup
- JAVA based console controls replaced with novnc, a javascript/HTML5 based console
- Floating IP's support so you can run your own heartbeat deployment between both OpenVZ & KVM's wtihin a single location
- Personal media storage for ISO's and possibly OpenVZ templates
There's lots of other things going in place that I won't bother listing
You're welcome to demo the current release at:
LOGIN - testpony
If you visit, you'll see a completely working OpenVZ based VPS. /overview stats reload every 15 seconds keeping pretty well 'live'. Reinstalling, root password setting, enabling ips and the likes are all working.
Given how things are progressing, we fully expect to be rolling the panel out early next month. Aldryic is currently working on the WHMCS module.
The IP it currently has is live to the world so you can ssh in and see that reinstalls/etc work.
IP's are fully logged, though, so if you abuse I'll have Aldryic on your ass.

To continue my thread from LET, Stallion 2 is our new control panel that will not only replace our VPS controls, but in time replace WHMCS.
Some key features on the way:
- Affordable hosted load balancers
- Anycast IP addresses with IP routing (so you don't 'have' to buy VM's in each location)
- Proper /64 allocations (will likely be available right after the initial release)
- Full merging of billing/support rolls into the panel. This will keep things really straight forward for users to signup
- JAVA based console controls replaced with novnc, a javascript/HTML5 based console
- Floating IP's support so you can run your own heartbeat deployment between both OpenVZ & KVM's wtihin a single location
- Personal media storage for ISO's and possibly OpenVZ templates
There's lots of other things going in place that I won't bother listing
You're welcome to demo the current release at:
LOGIN - testpony
If you visit, you'll see a completely working OpenVZ based VPS. /overview stats reload every 15 seconds keeping pretty well 'live'. Reinstalling, root password setting, enabling ips and the likes are all working.
Given how things are progressing, we fully expect to be rolling the panel out early next month. Aldryic is currently working on the WHMCS module.
The IP it currently has is live to the world so you can ssh in and see that reinstalls/etc work.
IP's are fully logged, though, so if you abuse I'll have Aldryic on your ass.
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