Since we're into the beta testing stage of the anycast/floating IP controls, I wanted to show how we've changed up the flow of the page. It isn't a complete overhaul, but it addresses some of the usability issues we had.
To start:
The new default page is fairly straight forward. A new table is dumped at the bottom of each section to handle floating or anycast IP's. For the sake of making my life easier, anycast IP's are
always floating/in failover mode. I'll most likely add a collapse option to the right side of each table in the off chance a user has a lot of IP's.
A new drop down menu has been added to all IP address types that gains/loses options, based on if the IP address is in failover mode/Anycast, is IPv6, or if the VPS we're currently managing is the owner of it. We've moved the 'edit' icon for RDNS away from the middle of the row to a drop down menu since it was simply too confusing. You can still click on the RDNS text and get the modal, though.
Originally we had a paragraph or so of text on this popup that explained what enabling IP failover was about, but we decided to trim it and instead we'll link off to a wiki/knowledgebase article to go into heavy detail.
Deleting IPV6 addresses is no longer a complete pain in the ass. Originally we had live AJAX calls happening and this caused your VPS to be applying IP address add/removal every time you add/deleted. When I originally wrote this it was fine but I never took into consideration latency for calls outside the DC.
Delete's are now a visual thing, allowing delete/undo all you want w/o delay. The actual deleting from the database/pushing updates to the VPS happen once you click 'Save Changes'.
'Save Changes' has also been reworked to be AJAX based w/ a little blurb of text instead of a large warning at the top of the page as well as a self submit. The self submit setup worked fine but if you somehow gunked up the data that was submitted, you'd have to wait for the page to refresh to get any sort of feedback.
That's about it

There's a ton of backend changes that put this all together. This page gained 400 some odd lines of javascript and a ton of PHP on the backend side of things.
Any/all feedback is welcome.