just because your limited perspective has convinced you there is a single way of things, does not make you an expert on all business dealings in the real world.
My "limited perspective" has consisted of a MBA, a law degree (specializing in business law), owning multi-million dollar businesses for over 20 years, from restaurants to fast food franchises, Southern California's largest electrical services contractor, to hosting. I've been around the block many, many times. I know what works and what doesn't. Business practices don't change online vs. brick and mortar. The same general principles apply. Either you know how to run a business or you don't.
If PayPal and Stripe were so great, this thread never would have been started.

Like I said, you guys can keep going that route and come back and start threads like this every few months, frustrated at losing the chargebacks and the fees. Fine with me. Was simply trying to help the OP out and let him know what works and what doesn't. He can do with it what he pleases.
My "limited perspective" has made sure that I have not lost a single chargeback or paid a dime in chargeback fees in 20 years, through my bank, and there have been many attempts made. The only chargebacks I have ever lost have been through PayPal, and that's simply because they don't care. I gave them pages and pages of documentation supporting my cases, but it's easier for them to just issue the chargeback. They're not going to put in the hours and manpower to fight for me over a $5 or $10 sale. Why would they? I certainly don't do enough business through PayPal for them to care. I haven't looked recently, but I know it's under $10k a month through them. That makes me a small fish in the PayPal world. 90% of my sales are made using credit cards.
Honestly, if somebody doesn't want to order from us because we only accept Paypal/Stripe/BitPay then that's fine. We're not going to raise our prices so potential clients feel better about typing in their credit card numbers.
You shouldn't have to raise your prices. I get much better rates through my merchant account than any of the online merchants can offer. My bank covers my gateway fees and everything.