I like some of what Sanders has to say. But calling him an outsider is a joke. He's been an elected official for at least 25 years and I think more in local offices prior to that.
As a Senator I heard, but didn't fact check, that he's proposed like 353 different bills. Of them 3 have been passed and what they were was insane bullshit like naming something after someone.
If this is his track record for real, it shows he can't build bridges (let alone walls) and consensus to get things done.
I like Trump. He's brutally to the point and saying what a lot of folks out here on Main Street think and see every day. You should note that in voting data from South Carolina Trump had Republican support of all types, the religious, the blue collar group strongly his way. Only disconnect really is the white collar wing of the Republican party that is going elsewhere - Rubio + Cruz.
As Bush and others pack up, we'll see if Trump has what it takes to win in other primary states.
Cruz, meh, such a smart guy and witty. But dirtbag politics by his campaign manager. That's going to wreck his campaign. The fake mailers, the Carson stunt, etc. The manager pulled the same shit in 2012 I think it was and was investigated for it. There is a legal gavel with that bastards name on it coming soon.
Clinton, meh, I hate dynasties. Time came and went for her like it did the Bush buddies.
Bloomberg, I can see that a$$hole tossing his name in just to toss the election to Clinton. Same sort of screw job that we saw back with Ross Perot causing Bill Clinton to win. Never liked Bloomberg. He's the worst about mega wealth. The idiot more hell bent on regulating soda pop container sizes than addressing the what? $10+ billion NYC school district budget and the rampant illiteracy in their high school GRADUATES.
Yeah, Bloomberg has his greedy head on sideways and all that money to be mayor of a city, meh, we should have laws that prohibit spending on campaigns. Literally, a campaign, all contestants should have to live within a reasonable budget that looks like the median househould income they intend to rule over. Maybe the presidential election can take the median household income per state and add them all up for total campaign budget. Telling you, spending reform needs to happen. Jeb tried to buy the election and ran through over $100~ million in primary spending. Talking about idiots like him spending what end of an election cycle? A billion? MAYBE not, but going to be way up there and continue to balloon unless something is done.