
The pets thread


New Member

Twinky. Coolest Rabbit ever. She died recently and I was devastated. 


With her sister, Ring-Ding. I never thought I would have rabbits I had to rescue them. After initial difficulties they turned out to be great pets.


Very bling bling!


My master - Miepie.


Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
Hmmm, are you stealing other people pets? Suddenly you have a gorgeus gray cat. Suspicious. Starting tin foil thread :p
To be fair, he's an indoor/outdoor cat that runs between my house and a neighbor's place, but he's 'related' to my black/white cat as a younger half-brother (They have the same mother). He's not 100% mine. He crashes here sometimes, over there sometimes, and just does whatever he wants in between. Normally stays outdoors but he pops up on the doorstep some of these cold nights if he's not prowling the neighborhood. I did have the sister cat over here (half-sister of my black/white cat) for a few months, but gave her away to a friend of the family who wanted her. Here she is below:


As a kitten:


She was also indoor/outdoor. Only my black and white is a indoor only cat. I've let her out a few times but she's not fit for outdoor survival, too fat and has been sheltered her whole life. ;)


if im not mistaken it called Indian Scops Owl.
Nice to know. In my neighborhood you can see several types of birds, but I like a white owl that often scares me to death when flying in the middle of the night. It is impossible to hear it until is practically over your head.

She was also indoor/outdoor. Only my black and white is a indoor only cat. I've let her out a few times but she's not fit for outdoor survival, too fat and has been sheltered her whole life. ;)
Easy. Give him one of your guns :)

Seriously, it feels awful when your pet get lost and you know he/she is not capable of handling the situation. Some cats feel very comfortable outside others don't.

EDIT: Derpy formatting.
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New Member
Nice to know. In my neighborhood you can see several types of birds, but I like a white owl that often scares me to death when flying in the middle of the night. It is impossible to hear it until is practically over your head.
its good that you still can see that, white owl nearly extinct from earth.


New Member
@stim Your rabbits were/are adorable. :) And here I was reluctant to post up any pictures of mine because I figured I would be the only one with a pet rabbit!

Meet Mocha:




100% Tier-1 Gogent
I have some pets... in my deep freezer....

Might want to keep your dog from pooping on my lawn.


I let uncle George take care of the stray cats...

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Active Member

This is our RattDawg. He is about two and a half years old now. We have had him two years. He is a good boy most of time. Pure bread chihuahua and he knows it. Thinks he is the biggest dog on the block.


This is our Gator. He just recently came to us a stray. He was wandering the streets for a month or so of a neighboring town. Someone caught him and then we got him. I am not sure of his breed yet. He is a good natured dog considering what he has been through. I called him Gator because his lower jaw juts out some and overlaps his top, reminded me of a gator. He came to it and it has become his name.


They get along well and play often.


Cocktail Enthusiast
Verified Provider
Got a package in today opened it up and left the room for a minute came back to this. 



Verified Provider
My Layla girl passed a year ago.... gah, miss her like crazy.  That cat could talk my ear off, and she meant what she said, lemme tell ya.  She followed me home one afternoon when I was walking home from picking up lunch at a dive bar down the street. Was 99% sure she was one of two cats who were left behind after a house foreclosure. She was talkative even then and surprisingly trusting of other people considering she was on her own for about a month.  I fed her, and she moved in for about five years.  Don't even know how old she was.  When I found her, she was curled up just like she'd fallen asleep and that was it. Hoping so.  Either way, we had a bond.  :)   Doubt a cat will ever find me again.  Took over thirty years for this friendship.  :D 
