Francisco "ruled" LET more or less when "he banned me"Francisco ruled LET more or less when he banned me and now he supports this place.
He cannot ban me but the attacks continue and at least one admin is clearly taking sides, we will see if there will be a majority for banning.
See, I do not condust this disclosure of his tactcs on LET where he does not have the home turf advantage, but here, same when he ruled LET. He did ban me but couldnt hide the truth.
Hopefully, the same thing will happen now and he will understand that attacks like those are at least immoral.
I always fought them where they had the most advantages. Because there is no point convincing people that are already knowing you, preaching to the choir is counter productive, the important thing is to make people read the argumentation before deciding whom to attack.
Does anyone else see any issue with that line alone?
Please, get it though your thick-as-fuck skull, Francisco nor any of the BuyVM team ruled LET, no it was your down-right stupidity which got you banned by the moderators/administrators. If you continue this, then you're just a lonely little kid with nothing better to do then give BuyVM free publicity.
"immortal" - when did mortality come into your little butthurt rant? Let me inform you how it works here, the staff, MannDude, Martin-D, HalfEatenPie decide who gets banned. I can make you a bet, actuallty, $100 says that if they decide to ban you(the staff) it is not because people asked them, it's because they choose to.
Edit: Grammar
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