
GreenValueHost outsources customer support to India.

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100% Tier-1 Gogent
Son, you got played.

Personally I think a lot of what you're pasting is just to see how much of a leaky boat you are.

Why would Jon Biloh be telling Earnie that he has to pay for overages? Short of abuse or things breaking the TOS,

at no time should Jon be instructing Earnie how to handle "his" customers.

Of course, if GVH-Jon is being 100% truthful in this all, then Ernie has a lot of explaining to do.

I don't put anything by CC + affiliates - or investments or whatever BS term they want to call themselves.

Rest of us deal in kosher investments and pedestrian, normal, boring customer relationships.

Someone needs to steer Ernie.   I mean, clear he's a wing operator at CC.   Token role, paid to run a segment of the biz under his "umbrella".  Keeping costs down are a priority in every business.

Now all that said,  CC has never been good / on top of regulating bandwidth use.  I know multiple providers with large overages that CC just swallows.  This stands in stark contrast though to a brand selling 30-100TB BW PER VPS.   I mean the monthly overage from this circus stunt is going to be something epic.


100% Tier-1 Gogent
 Doing that crap is counted as money laundering and short of being the head of Bank of America, you aren't getting off the hook on a laundering charge.
Look how they keep skipping over heat on the Iran stuff and taking money that violates embargo/direct peering.    Then the massive IP doghouse for organized SPAM/crime cartels.

I officially call CC head:  Teflon Jon.


I call BS, I've waited more than a week for my server.
I've already explained the situation to you via your ticket.

I'm going to say this one more time. We are not owned by ColoCrossing. If we were, I would have been fired on the spot by now.

I'm going to just put my opinion here.

The only reason you or Earnie are getting "100TB" for $5/month is that you're nothing more than sales reps to CC.

Jon doesn't post his own sales on WHT anymore because he has Ernie handling all that and you running up the side lines with shared hosting.

Listen, answer me this. What changed that suddenly made it where you had to give all your shared customers up to Earnie,

yet you're now able to offer 100TB and 250GB space for $5/month? None of your shared customers were using that much.

Infact, you're right now selling "pure ssd cloud shared hosting" with unlimited resources.

What changed? I'll tell you what changed. You got in a bind and couldn't support your business, so like many, you sold to your upstream.
Everything I just bolded above is false.



I am not authorized to speak on behalf of Hudson Valley Host and/or Ernie, or ColoCrossing. I'm not authorized to release any HVH-sensitive or CC-sensitive data or information either. If you have any questions regarding HVH you can email Ernie directly via his email,


Company Lube
Verified Provider
I've already explained the situation to you via your ticket.

I'm going to say this one more time. We are not owned by ColoCrossing. If we were, I would have been fired on the spot by now.

Everything I just bolded above is false.



I am not authorized to speak on behalf of Hudson Valley Host and/or Ernie, or ColoCrossing. I'm not authorized to release any HVH-sensitive or CC-sensitive data or information either. If you have any questions regarding HVH you can email Ernie directly via his email,
It's a complete lie. That's why CC hasn't officially posted a sales thread on WHT since 2012.

Where as HVH got out of its grave and within a week of doing so, started reselling cabinets out of Buffalo :)

Makes perfect sense.



It's a complete lie. That's why CC hasn't officially posted a sales thread on WHT since 2012.

Where as HVH got out of its grave and within a week of doing so, started reselling cabinets out of Buffalo :)

Makes perfect sense.

I don't understand what you want me to do or say. For this you need to contact Ernie.


Dormant VPSB Pathogen

! hope GreenValleyHost isn't putting any of those 4GB RAM 250GB storage space VPS's on a server with only 16GB RAM and 4 x 1TB RAID10

Extreme overselling of RAM.  Check.

Extreme overselling of disk space.  Check.

Extreme overselling of available bandwidth.  Check.

Extreme overselling of CPU. Check.

Lots of customer complaints. Check.

Saturday I went and ate Indian food at a new restaurant regionally.   Go there every week, some times multiple times a week

 I usually cook my own Indian food. :) I do most of my grocery shopping at Indian, Chinese, and Puerto Rican supermarkets (and a few small Italian stores and other small large corporate chain stores for me). 

You know what?  I pay them what the food costs in the US of A.  I don't pay them $1.15 for my lunch.  That's my gripe.   

Quit acting like the rest of the tech-exploiters that you are "helping" the those poor foreigners.  And, especially quit blowing imaginary smoke about dropping big money paying them.  I know what they cost over there.  Heck I probably know the firm you are using.

That's my gripe with outsourcing too.  It takes jobs away from workers in [fill in name of high wage country] and exploits workers in [fill in name of low wage country with labor and safety regulations that are lacking] . I've never subscribed to the Gordon Gecko  "greed is right"', anything for a buck' mentality and I've always believed in paying employees a fair wage (and yet somehow I've managed to survive 22 years as a fulltime business owner...go figure).
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100% Tier-1 Gogent
Damn it @GVH-Jon,  you had me there with the transparent routine.  I thought maybe you were being straight.

You may be more honest than those you are keeping company with, but this turn of face with the support was wicked man and quick.  Any shred of decency soon will be gone running with those lads.  Cash money #yolo.

*IF* you are paying for bandwidth and not riding Biloh's baloney pony I highly advise ceasing those crazy Eddie style offers.   Those aren't going to end well.   I'll bet you.   You can't afford me spending $30 a month to melt CC's routers.  Big ass target on your offers that says, "PLEASE PUT ME OUT OF MY MISERY".

Fran pointing out how these offers are sustainable, but the Cpanel stuff wasn't?  Explain that so I understand your logic, who knows, maybe you know something rest of us don't.

Biz deals and structuring, OY VEY!  Someone call my Jewish lawyers.  You folks have some interesting complexity to muck up unkosher things.



! hope GreenValleyHost isn't putting any of those 4GB RAM 250GB storage space VPS's on a server with only 16GB RAM and 4 x 1TB RAID10
A lot of VPS providers use us as their VPS nodes provider.

and mike, we DO pay for our bandwidth overages.

Also, you can load a full VPS node with virtual servers that just want to use bandwidth but you can't do that for shared hosting.
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100% Tier-1 Gogent
and mike, we DO pay for our bandwidth overages.
Sometimes I just want to give you a hug, like the autistic son I never had.

Let's get back to remedial math.

100TB offer, active on LET. That's 10x the normal CC E3 allocation.

Normal CC E3 rentals = 10TB of transit a month.   Slipping a 30TB in there happens, even a 60TB overage and they head turn and cough.

You sold 100TB @ $5/month.  Yes, many don't use their allocations.  I get that.  Hell I was teaching that in other markets when you were in Pampers I think.

Now you didn't sell that 1x or 2x, you sold it quite a bit.   Under the CC house logic, I can see that 32GB server sold oh 200GB of RAM+...  So we'll say a quite low 50 container count.   See where this is going.

Now use is going to be high, because of the who and what and disbelief.   Meaning your use, CPU load, disk IO, RAM consumption and especially bandwidth is going to be FAR higher than other CC disbelief brands.  Arguably, you are attracting power hungry, resource using masses.  Idleness is going to be lower too.  Refer to LET thread and suspensions and back stepping on things.

If you pay for overage and bandwidth call your lawyers and declare bankruptcy before next bill.


Active Member
Yeah but what about HVH's involvement in GVH? We both know you piggyback off of their sweetheart server deals with CC and Ernie has access to your WHMCS.


I wonder who THAT could be.


".:GVH-Jon:. I'm telling you right now -- This statement can't be released though. GVH can never die as long as HVH and CC are alive"
Not being funny or anything but if I had posted those screenshots that were a PRIVATE conversation without the other person's consent I would of been slaughtered. 


Sometimes I just want to give you a hug, like the autistic son I never had.

Let's get back to remedial math.

100TB offer, active on LET. That's 10x the normal CC E3 allocation.

Normal CC E3 rentals = 10TB of transit a month.   Slipping a 30TB in there happens, even a 60TB overage and they head turn and cough.

You sold 100TB @ $5/month.  Yes, many don't use their allocations.  I get that.  Hell I was teaching that in other markets when you were in Pampers I think.

Now you didn't sell that 1x or 2x, you sold it quite a bit.   Under the CC house logic, I can see that 32GB server sold oh 200GB of RAM+...  So we'll say a quite low 50 container count.   See where this is going.

Now use is going to be high, because of the who and what and disbelief.   Meaning your use, CPU load, disk IO, RAM consumption and especially bandwidth is going to be FAR higher than other CC disbelief brands.  Arguably, you are attracting power hungry, resource using masses.  Idleness is going to be lower too.  Refer to LET thread and suspensions and back stepping on things.

If you pay for overage and bandwidth call your lawyers and declare bankruptcy before next bill.
I'll give you screenshots of our bandwidth graphs and CPU loads if you'd like. To be honest, so far we're only ~ 25TB bandwidth over in total for all of our VPS nodes (due to reset soon) and plus our nodes' CPU load is low most of the time, and I/O usually is never an issue. RAM is always low as well. Never had an incident where our RAM was capped. If our mass expansion and mass advertising efforts (Recent: WHT pinned thread!) haven't hinted it already, we have a large $$$$ reserve and we're not going to be going backrupt anytime soon no matter how large our BW overage bills are. And plus, we can always negotiate the overage bills too so it's not a problem.

When I say that we're LowEndTalk's EXCLUSIVE more bang for your buck provider and when I say that we are the best at what we do, I mean it.


Active Member
Now use is going to be high, because of the who and what and disbelief.   Meaning your use, CPU load, disk IO, RAM consumption and especially bandwidth is going to be FAR higher than other CC disbelief brands.  Arguably, you are attracting power hungry, resource using masses.  Idleness is going to be lower too.  Refer to LET thread and suspensions and back stepping on things.
He might've scared off the people who know better but really, people like that are a tiny minority of the market. LEB has become the land of continually increasing numbers to keep people handing over cash for way more than they need.

The vpsBoard schism might've taken away a decent chunk of LET's people who know what they're doing but it didn't do shit for the people who either just want a VPS and don't care or who don't have the knowledge to make an informed decision.

Those people still have nothing to go on other than big numbers and that's why GVH is doing "well".

I really doubt GVH's nodes would be working any harder than CVPS's were when they were actually advertising on LEB/LET all the time, especially since with GVH they've learned to crack down on people who actually use their allocated resources.


100% Tier-1 Gogent
Not being funny or anything but if I had posted those screenshots that were a PRIVATE conversation without the other person's consent I would of been slaughtered. 
Who would have slaughtered you?  Me I would have given you a big thumbs up for such and believe I did when you made a stand @Jack.

Now I know, some of the social butterflies bitched and moaned on IRC, OH THE DRAMA and how could someone post "PMs".  Not naming names, but come on.   I bet you $5000 there are jagged statements out there involving same that would really rattle some cages. 

'Nuff said.  Over and out.


Based on what exactly? 
I say that we're the industry's/LET's exclusive more bang for your buck provider because we provide resources for prices that no other legitimate company would dare touch, and we do it pretty well. I bet some fly by night hosts might have entered the market and tried to copy us but were they successful? ... Nope. We're the one in a million that can do what we do without deadpooling the next week.


100% Tier-1 Gogent
I'll give you screenshots of our bandwidth graphs and CPU loads if you'd like. To be honest, so far we're only ~ 25TB bandwidth over in total for all of our VPS nodes (due to reset soon) and plus our nodes' CPU load is low most of the time, and I/O usually is never an issue. RAM is always low as well. Never had an incident where our RAM was capped. If our mass expansion and mass advertising efforts (Recent: WHT pinned thread!) haven't hinted it already, we have a large $$$$ reserve and we're not going to be going backrupt anytime soon no matter how large our BW overage bills are. And plus, we can always negotiate the overage bills too so it's not a problem.

When I say that we're LowEndTalk's EXCLUSIVE more bang for your buck provider and when I say that we are the best at what we do, I mean it.
You darling you.

Bandwidth has a cost.  Oversell ratio might be fine today, but you are pretty fresh in this.  I think the 30TB+ offers were just prior to first of January.   Early to say the dealio is working.  Don't let income fool you temporarily.

If you want to sell me 100TB at $5 a month, I darn well might eat up a good oh 6 plans worth?

Do you combine VPSes?  Can I have a 1.2-1.5TB disk allocation and 600TB of BW along with oh what is that 24GB of RAM?
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especially since with GVH they've learned to crack down on people who actually use their allocated resources.
This is false. We do not bullshit people. What we sell is what we sell. We guarantee that you can use everything that we sell you. (CPU restriction is 80% burst as defined by our ToS). You can use all the disk space, all the bandwidth, and all of your guaranteed RAM. Again, we do not BS our customers.


You darling you.

Bandwidth has a cost.  Oversell ratio might be fine today, but you are pretty fresh in this.  I think the 30TB+ offers we just prior to first of January.   Early to say the dealio is working.  Don't let income fool you temporarily.

If you want to sell me 100TB at $5 a month, I darn well might eat up a good oh 6 plans worth?

Do you combine VPSes?  Can I have a 1.2-1.5TB disk allocation and 600TB of BW along with oh what is that 24GB of RAM?
No we don't combine VPSes but if you want to buy 6 of those plans and use all the resources, you're more than welcome. Go ahead, we welcome you with open arms. :)
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