This thread needs more pics.
Alright then.
From top to bottom: Ruger Standard (1971, I believe. ), Kahr CM9, and Smith & Wesson 4566TSW.
The Ruger is actually my favorite to shoot. 22LR ammo is cheap, so it doesn't hurt the wallet to shoot at the range and even though it's just black iron sights, probably the one I am most accurate with. The Kahr is new and will be broken in soon. Got some Remington, American Eagle, Federal and Hornady ammo with it to see if she has a preference and what fires best out her. Need to clock some range time in soon.
The Smith is my baby and was my birthday present to myself last year. This thing has run flawlessly with all types of ammo. I've only had one fail to fire with it, and it was a dud round from a box of cheap imported dirty ammo. Pulled the trigger... click. Ejected the round, saw that the primer was hit with the firing pin... re-chambered it, same deal. Threw the round away. It's a bad picture because it l
ooks better after a good cleaning and digital touch-up, but this thing is a beast. Too bad .45 ammo is expensive... in an ideal life I'd be putting a couple hundred rounds down range a week with this bad boy. I need to buy land out in the country and start reloading.
EDIT: Also, for Breaking Bad fans: