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GVH + Chicago VPS + Colocrossing = Law Breaking Mofo's
I spoke to Jonny-GVH just now about this FraudRecord entry.This is why I have a low opinion of FraudRecord: they need to screen the providers they allow to join better and they should permanently ban any provider who makes any false report (my main objection to FraudRecord though is that I'm in the same camp as TRUSTe (see their position on hashes here) when it comes to hashes and consider them personally identifiable information and believe providers should disclose on their privacy policies that they use FraudRecord...the fact that anyone, like me, can type in a name and see a report on a person bolsters my opinion).
It really doesn't matter which individual at the legal entity Green Value Hosting Inc submitted the report because the company is responsible (and liable) for the actions of its workers regardless of whether it was submitted byI spoke to Jonny-GVH just now about this FraudRecord entry.
He didn't submit this entry, rather a support person at GVH did.
@William with that in mind, do what you must.
You are the Eric at GVH and you don't know who put it up? That's interesting.I pulled the listing since I have absolutely no clue who put it up, and its really in bad taste.
Not true, my claim was i sue him for false advertising if he fails to comply with his offer - That's not a THREAT, that is to be EXPECTED.1. Unwarranted lawsuit threats
Where did you get that from? I just tried to use the service advertised - My Nginx on 80 was clearly not violationg their Tos or abuse service/node.2. Premeditated intent to cause issues to others
That's not what FR is there for.3. Rude / threatening behavior
Would that be the same bitter dickhead who was threatening to ruin a customer's life on WHT recently, but then couldn't deal with the pressure and had to go take a nap?Perhaps it's time for FraudRecord crack down. Abuse of their system and failing to MAN up and wear the pants.
If I were the bitter dickhead over there at GVH filing this shitola I'd just say FUCK YOU WILLIAM you pissed me off and wasted my time that night. But then again if I were involved I probably would be chuckling about the server on fire and people running around like little Nancy characters.
I'm sorry. I can't take anything "Jonny said" as fact since he has the same personality disorder many people affiliated with a specific company seem to suffer from.I spoke to Jonny-GVH just now about this FraudRecord entry.
He didn't submit this entry, rather a support person at GVH did.
@William with that in mind, do what you must. Me, I'd ask Eric over at GVH to just pull the FraudRecord entry since he's running most ops over there.
Tee hee...decide whether a client is worth the hassle or not. Especially for budget providers, someone who opens 20 tickets a day and expects 24/7 priority VIP support, that's a good thing to know before taking an order (just an example, has nothing to do with "William").
William's use, nature of the filing, and concept of "hassle" are all ill fits in a system intended to track and prevent fraud. Surely he took nothing of value from anyone. He didn't hide who he was either.: the crime of using dishonest methods to take something valuable from another person
: a person who pretends to be what he or she is not in order to trick people
: a copy of something that is meant to look like the real thing in order to trick people
Unfortunately, I don't think that's true. FraudRecord's rules are in their TOS and "Public Threats" is one of their "definitions of misbehavior" (and misbehavior is what they say they're about, rather than just fraud).The rules may be lacking with FraudRecord, but it's inferred what *SHOULD* be in there, that is reports of actual fraud.
Love you man!Unfortunately, I don't think that's true. FraudRecord's rules are in their TOS and "Public Threats" is one of their "definitions of misbehavior" (and misbehavior is what they say they're about, rather than just fraud).
Which having read I laughed my old ass right off my chair.Client misbehaviour acceptable by FraudRecord includes but is not limited to;
(a) Fraudulent Activity: Using stolen credit cards, payment accounts, email addresses or any other means that violate the rights of the individual with the legal claim to the means.
(b) Spamming: Using online services to send unsolicited email.
© Chargeback or Non-Payment: Failing to provide payment or issuing a chargeback or a retraction of the payment to which the services have been provided.
(d) Phishing, Illegal Content, Criminal Content, Misdemeanor: Using online services to host content that violates the local or international laws.
(e) Excessive Resource Use: Using server, service, or human resources excessively, causing service interruptions that affect other users of a service, or abusing staff members.
(f) Public Threats: Issuing threats of public slander, libel or similar types of abuse with the intention of causing business damage.
I mean I know Chicago is a communist stronghold and we should just turn that place over to the Chinese or the Russians... But how does one get primary jurisdiction in a foreign country then additional in Illinois. Ehhh comrade? Pass the vodka and we write policies for web in blood of ox.GOVERNING LAW
This Agreement will be governed primarily by the laws of Turkey, in addition to the laws of Illinois, where the servers and the Database resides. Any conflicts or disputes will be resolved by the courts and legal authorities of Turkey.
I've been trying to fix the horrible mess, but it seems each time I try and work on something, there's something else that needs attention. I've been trying to get prices set to *reasonable* levels, as well as sustainable ones. That means no more BS yearly special/double everything/world for free deals. The issue is, the number of clients who already have long term contracts on those deals, and we can't just boot them. I'm working on a solution, but I'd rather just keep it internal for now.Since you have some swing with Jonny, you should continue to push him towards rational pricing and realistic offerings, cause at the end of the day you and others there laboring have to deal with the mess.
I haven't been following anything related to GVH for a long time since... well.. why bother.I've been trying to fix the horrible mess, but it seems each time I try and work on something, there's something else that needs attention. I've been trying to get prices set to *reasonable* levels, as well as sustainable ones. That means no more BS yearly special/double everything/world for free deals. The issue is, the number of clients who already have long term contracts on those deals, and we can't just boot them. I'm working on a solution, but I'd rather just keep it internal for now.
You don't. You can ask the mods though, I'm sure they have logs. Tbh, anyone who goes through that much effort to create a fake persona has some really deep-rooted mental issues.I haven't been following anything related to GVH for a long time since... well.. why bother.
This will come off as very dickish and tooly (and is half meant to be).. But how do I know you're not Jonny with another personality/alias?