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  1. acd

    Stallion 2 - pictures and daily updates :)

    No, he just forgot what day it was. ;) If I recall correctly, it took a couple days for him to get everything fixed up with the disk failures on that wonky storage box, so he might need a couple extra days, if not a week for S2. Customers have been priority 1 for Fran, with projects following...
  2. acd

    This post made me laugh: l00k1ng for phr33 VPS plezze!

    Either that or he was short on cash and really needed 1 TiB of ddr3 and a /24.
  3. acd

    Using OpenVPN with NAT IPv4

    From windows, if you type ipconfig /ALL in a cmd prompt. Under your VPN adaptor (mine is TAP-Win32 Adapter V9), it will say DNS Servers. These should either be some anycast DNS like Google DNS, or they should be the DNS servers your VPS provider offers. They should not be the DNS servers used by...
  4. acd

    Using OpenVPN with NAT IPv4

    Use an ip check thing like or to make sure your IP is being NATted to the IP you expect. Then check your DNS settings are set to those at the VPS endpoint after you connect to openvpn.
  5. acd

    This post made me laugh: l00k1ng for phr33 VPS plezze!

    Best post. Thanks GVH-Jon for some laughs.
  6. acd

    Cores and threads

    AFAIK, openvz does this by limiting the number of concurrent processes executing. kvm does it by limiting the number of cores it presents to the VM (which in turn, binds to a number of back end threads). If your cat /proc/cpuinfo inside the kvm says 2 CPUs, you have concurrent threads = 2. If...
  7. acd

    Cores and threads

    HT usually adds ~1/3 increase to overall performance. A HT pair on a core is basically two instruction pipelines with their own registers that share arithmetic units and some other resources. Those resources aren't typically used at the same time, so HT allows them to get more utilization, at...
  8. acd

    Forum downtime / maintenance RFO

    Thanks, manndude. I hope it doesn't take too much longer to sort out so you can get some sleep; I hear you're still on an all-nighter. best regards, -tw
  9. acd

    Panels Panels Panels..

    Panel tease.
  10. acd

    Yet Another SolusVM Alternative: VPSM

    The goals are lofty in that you're giving the feature set away for free. MIT & BSD licensed code usually end up getting ripped off and having the smallest feature set because their license is so permissive, resulting in a reduced userbase except for projects that are effectively the "killer app"...
  11. acd

    Yet Another SolusVM Alternative: VPSM

    Lofty goals, especially with an MIT license. Unfortunately no code or architecture documents, just an expected feature list. Not sure what to think of it yet....
  12. acd

    Sprunge ! A really nice log / config sharing

    I can see a use for it, specifically when I have VNC access but no ssh, which is damn rare, but happens, like during initial install, or for telling people to pastebin something via script, for example. { echo "==== ROUTES ====" ; ip ro show table all ; echo "==== RPDB RULES ====" ; ip ru...
  13. acd

    How do you install IP6Tables?

    It's in the regular iptables package: tw@iris:~$ dpkg -L iptables | grep sbin/ip /usr/sbin/iptables-apply /usr/sbin/ip6tables-apply /sbin/iptables /sbin/ip6tables-save /sbin/iptables-save /sbin/iptables-restore /sbin/ip6tables-restore /sbin/ip6tables
  14. acd

    Stallion 2 - pictures and daily updates :)

    Can we bribe one of you guys to make an XMPP/jabber message in addition/instead? I know Pony knows how to do that. =D It would also be especially useful to be able set a custom alert level that is lower than the buyvm limit level so we can tune our io/cpu/ram warnings to our application's...
  15. acd

    KVM, LUKS, I/O

    I'll just leave this here ( T. Petterson, 2007, Cryptographic Key recovery from linux memory dumps ) It was the first google hit anyway. True, also luks/dmcrypt unlock does not require VNC. Research your options, console is not required (hint: sshd in initrd). This is obviated by 1 & 3. Easiest...
  16. acd

    Simple security

    As a heads up, centos/RHEL/etc do not have a sudo or wheel group enabled by default. It's in the /etc/sudoers file, you just need to uncomment it first.
  17. acd

    Virtualized Desktop

    I had an interest in making this work before but the rough answer is for xen hvm, kvm and esxi, it's not possible to share a physical display with the host node (or whatever is relevant based on hypervisor). KVM, I think, comes closest with some fbdev patches, but these corrupt the framebuffers...
  18. acd

    OwnCloud Nginx install for Debian

    The installation guide on owncloud is actually pretty straightforward. While the installation guide is for apache, Owncloud's own documentation has good references to swap apache out for nginx. Owncloud manual installation...
  19. acd

    Help with GitHub

    - Are all repositories accessible on GitHub considered to be Open Source code? No. Repositories on GitHub are licensed as listed in their source files; No additional license is compulsory from GitHub, even for public repositories, save that other members can use the "fork" feature on the...
  20. acd

    [Request] WHMCS ZNC Module

    I had written an overlong post detailing why I disagree with Sajan but mainly it comes down to these things on top of what Aldryic mentioned: It is easier to write secure php to interface with mysql than to connect to and validate a remote ircd. It is easier to manage logins/password...