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  1. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Custom kvm Enterprise Virtual cloud starts @ $14.97 / monthly

    New prices for our cloud systems, get the unlimited bandwidth while its still available. Our location is Tampa, Florida Hivelocity's Datacenter and we are expanding to the eu soon still searching for a good location, We offer the next generation of cloud servers using nothing but KVM technology...
  2. Enterprisevpssolutions

    SSL Speed Up?

    We use some free tools online to see what is causing the slow down and try to fix it. SSL will always run a little slower. What does your site say when you run it in
  3. Enterprisevpssolutions

    I got scammed. =[

    Interesting read. This is why I always pay after the work is completed, the most he will get is maybe half up front then if its completed correctly he will get the other half if not well he can get back to work untill its done right. LOL Sorry for the hard lesson to learn but I find kids today...
  4. Enterprisevpssolutions

    What virtualization are you using? OpenVZ, Xen, or KVM?

    Kvm is the only way to go. openvz was great in its time but its slowly getting replaced.
  5. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Biggest, Cheapest VPS dumping to date?

    - Our network -  Swiftway is currently pushing nearly 1 Tbps (1000 Gbps) of traffic at peak usage. We have 50+ Direct private peers, over 100 Public peers and buy IP transit from:   Great breakdown still a good price but I wonder what his uplinks are, seems that will be the bottleneck if you...
  6. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Biggest, Cheapest VPS dumping to date?

    Drive space is not the issue we offer 500G storage as well for the cloud systems. The price is great, the issue i see is the low abuse fee and policy. I can see plenty of spammers and other abusers using the systems until the ips get blacklisted. A strong abuse policy is a must.
  7. Enterprisevpssolutions

    East coast or central US KVM with native IPv6 needed.

    Extra Ram won't hurt  :P Missed the no Florida and Colorado, long night lol 
  8. Enterprisevpssolutions

    East coast or central US KVM with native IPv6 needed.

    Global Crossing, Time warner, LVL 3, GTT and Cogent are the providers our datacenter uses. Also I know they are setting up new peering with other providers to increase the amount of routes they have.  Normal $24.95 this month $9.68 / monthly use this promo code HE4OX6S8FI2IQJ7S Direct link 2...
  9. Enterprisevpssolutions

    What are the specs of vpsBoard server?

    nginx definitely handles the resources better.
  10. Enterprisevpssolutions

    virgin /16 IPv4 block fresh from ARIN available...

    Up that by one :popcorn: $8.02
  11. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Syria madness

    Another matter that we do not need to involve ourselves in. We have more than enough issues at home we do not need to start more wars and lose more of our youth to a cause that is only benefiting the politician.
  12. Enterprisevpssolutions

    vps resellers - kvm?

    Pm me or an email at [email protected] we can work out something for your request.
  13. Enterprisevpssolutions

    SSD servers

    We have 2 options for you pm me or email [email protected] $60 RAM: 2GB SSD (RAID 10): 60GB Unlimited Bandwidth: 2 choices rated ports 10M or 100M for 6$ extra IPv4 Addresses: 5 IPv6 Addresses: 5 WHMCS License (Branded) cPanel & WHM license KVM Location: Tampa...
  14. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Lowendbox is a corrupt marketplace

    Great read and research. Sad to see the direction they are headed in. Almost like WHT they are not the same anymore last 5 - 6 years things started to change there too.
  15. Enterprisevpssolutions

    KVM - lower Disk IO in VM than on Host itself. Why?

    This also depends on the drives used and the raid setup you have This article can explain more about it I have used both noop and deadline with both + and - for both choices. Proxmox I believe set the io scheduler to deadline by...
  16. Enterprisevpssolutions

    KVM - lower Disk IO in VM than on Host itself. Why?

    What type of platform are you using? What is the storage type used for the vm virto,sata,ide,scsi What do you have the i/o scheduler set to? If its raid and bbu with writeback make sure you set it to deadline on host as well as vm. Did you align the partitions on the storage that the vm is...
  17. Enterprisevpssolutions

    NSA can decrypt VPNs?

    I wonder if people remember where the internet started? I'm sure the Gov has the tech to decrypt what they want. If a programmer can use the nvidia or amd video GPUS to bruteforce something what do you think a supercomputer with millions of processors can...
  18. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Do you think it is fair that cpanel & whmcs should cost more than the server

    For clients that know cpanel and the potential of the software that pricing is fair.
  19. Enterprisevpssolutions

    Blesta, thoughts?

    Better then V2 but still a way to go.